iphone - 无法启动模拟应用程序: iPhone Simulator failed to find the process ID of com. iAndApp.BlockPop

标签 iphone xcode ios-simulator

我遇到了一个恼人的问题,在控制台中给出此消息:无法启动模拟应用程序:iPhone Simulator 无法找到 com.iAndApp.BlockPop 的进程 ID。



新项目和旧项目都会发生这种情况。 IE。当我创建一个新项目时,我会收到相同的错误消息。我已经尝试了几个项目,其中所有项目都出现相同的错误,因此它与代码无关(成功的构建证明了这一点)。

除此之外,我还更新到了 xCode 3.2.2。以试图解决问题。使用Mac OSX 10.6.3。


1. 2010-05-30 17.20.39  SpringBoard[15713]  Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
2010-05-30 17.20.40 SpringBoard[15713]  Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
2010-05-30 17.20.40 SpringBoard[15713]  Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
2010-05-30 17.20.40 SpringBoard[15713]  Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
2010-05-30 17.20.40 SpringBoard[15713]  Can't find the translation dictionary, loadTranslationDictionaries
2010-05-30 17.20.40 SpringBoard[15713]  Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
2010-05-30 17.20.40 SpringBoard[15713]  Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
2010-05-30 17.20.41 SpringBoard[15713]  Launchd returned an unexpected type or didn't return a value for job label UIKitApplication:com.iAndApp.BlockPop[0x8abd] with job key PID
2010-05-30 17.20.41 SpringBoard[15713]  Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
2010-05-30 17.21.10 Xcode[15496]    Error launching simulated application: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0x200edcc00 "iPhone Simulator failed to find the process ID of com.iAndApp.BlockPop."

2. Form system.log
May 30 17:20:39 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: a0bc84e0 init_simulator_paths: No simulator root specified. Falling back to environment variable.
May 30 17:20:39: --- last message repeated 5 times ---
May 30 17:20:39 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: b0081000 init_simulator_paths: No simulator root specified. Falling back to environment variable.
May 30 17:20:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
May 30 17:20:39 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: b0081000 load_application_info: Could not load signer identity from /Users/Niklas/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.0/Applications/1CD7E4BA-14D3-45A5-A05E-E552C04BCD4D/BlockPopLite.app/BlockPopLite
May 30 17:20:39 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: b0081000 load_application_info: Could not load signer identity from /Users/Niklas/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.0/Applications/62585F19-5FAD-4548-89DF-C9AE621FCCD7/SysSound.app/SysSound
May 30 17:20:39 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: b0081000 load_application_info: Could not load signer identity from /Users/Niklas/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.0/Applications/81AA51A5-7BFC-442F-BFF8-91E9C6EF13CD/BlockPop.app/BlockPop
May 30 17:20:39 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: b0103000 load_application_info: Could not load signer identity from /Users/Niklas/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.0/Applications/A2DCBF96-8F15-4527-BDF1-BD90B34D401C/BlockPop.app/BlockPop
May 30 17:20:39 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: b0081000 init_simulator_paths: No simulator root specified. Falling back to environment variable.
May 30 17:20:39: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
May 30 17:20:39 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini SpringBoard[15713]: Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
May 30 17:20:40 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: b0081000 init_simulator_paths: No simulator root specified. Falling back to environment variable.
May 30 17:20:40: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
May 30 17:20:40 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini SpringBoard[15713]: Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
May 30 17:20:40: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
May 30 17:20:40 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini SpringBoard[15713]: Can't find the translation dictionary, loadTranslationDictionaries
May 30 17:20:40 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini mobile_installationd[15712]: b0081000 init_simulator_paths: No simulator root specified. Falling back to environment variable.
May 30 17:20:40: --- last message repeated 3 times ---
May 30 17:20:40 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini SpringBoard[15713]: Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
May 30 17:20:41: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
May 30 17:20:41 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini SpringBoard[15713]: Launchd returned an unexpected type or didn't return a value for job label UIKitApplication:com.iAndApp.BlockPop[0x8abd] with job key PID
May 30 17:20:41 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini SpringBoard[15713]: Unable to create CFServerConnection. Telephony state may be incorrect.
May 30 17:21:10 Niklas-Johanssons-Mac-mini Xcode[15496]: Error launching simulated application: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain Code=1 UserInfo=0x200edcc00 "iPhone Simulator failed to find the process ID of com.iAndApp.BlockPop."




从模拟器菜单栏 iPhone Simulator > 重置内容和设置...在多次计算机重新启动和 Info.plist > 清除历史记录尝试后终于为我完成了。

关于iphone - 无法启动模拟应用程序: iPhone Simulator failed to find the process ID of com. iAndApp.BlockPop,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2939337/


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