iphone - 从 Settings.bundle plist 中提取本地化字符串

标签 iphone cocoa-touch localization internationalization settings.bundle

如果您在 Settings.bundle 中构建子 Pane ,您最终会得到几个 .plist 文件。当需要本地化您的项目时,您会发现创建相应的 .strings 文件有点乏味(我知道我确实如此)。

这是一个方便的列表 bash 脚本,它将 (i) 查找标签,(ii) 提取以下标签的内容,然后 (iii) 将该值以“string”=“string”格式输出到文本文件ibtool 需要。


echo "// Generated by plist2strings. Manual edits will be overwritten the next time this script runs.\n/* A single strings file, whose title is specified in your preferences schema. The strings files provide the localized content to display to the user for each of your preferences. */\n" > plist2stringstmp
sed -n '
# look for a "#" at the end of the line
/<key>Title<\/key>$/ {
# Found one - now read in the next line
# delete the "#" and the new line character, 
 s/.*<\(string\)>\(.*\)<\/\1>/"\2" = "\2"/gp
}' $1 > plist2stringstmp2
cat plist2stringstmp plist2stringstmp2 > $2
rm plist2stringstmp plist2stringstmp2

复制并粘贴到文本文件中。我将我的保存为 plist2strings。请务必授予其执行权限。例如,在终端中执行:

macbook:~ foo$ chmod 755 plist2strings

要从 Settings.bundle 目录的根目录执行脚本(如果保存到您的用户文件夹),只需使用语法:

macbook:~ foo$ ~/plist2strings mysettings.plist en.lprog/mysettings.strings

如果 mysettings.strings 尚未存在于该文件夹中,它将创建它。如果它已经存在,它会自动覆盖它而不发出警告。






echo "// Generated by plist2strings. Manual edits will be overwritten the next time this script runs.\n/* A single strings file, whose title is specified in your preferences schema. The strings files provide the localized content to display to the user for each of your preferences. */\n" > plist2stringstmp
sed -n '
# look for a "#" at the end of the line
/<key>Title<\/key>$/ {
# Found one - now read in the next line
# delete the "#" and the new line character, 
 s/.*<\(string\)>\(.*\)<\/\1>/"\2" = "\2"/gp
}' $1 > plist2stringstmp2
cat plist2stringstmp2 | sort | uniq > tmp
cat plist2stringstmp2 >> plist2stringstmp 
mv plist2stringstmp $2
rm plist2stringstmp2



关于iphone - 从 Settings.bundle plist 中提取本地化字符串,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1007342/


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