iphone - 如何调用performSelectorOnMainThread : with an selector that takes > 1 arguments?

标签 iphone cocoa-touch selector

performSelectorOnMainThread: 的典型调用如下所示:

[target performSelectorOnMainThread:action withObject:foo waitUntilDone:NO];


- (void)doSomethingWithThing1:(id *)thing1

调用采用 > 1 个参数的操作的正确语法是什么?如:

- (void)doSomethingWithThing1:(id *)thing1 andThing2(id *)thing2 andAlsoThing3(id *)thing3

[target performSelectorOnMainThread:action withObject:??? waitUntilDone:NO];



- (void)doStuff:(NSString *)arg1 and:(NSString *)arg2 and:(NSString *)arg3 {

- (void)doStuff:(NSArray *)argArray {
    [self doStuff:[argArray objectAtIndex:0]
              and:[argArray objectAtIndex:1]
              and:[argArray objectAtIndex:2];

关于iphone - 如何调用performSelectorOnMainThread : with an selector that takes > 1 arguments?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1460589/


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