ios - 应用程序 ID 和 bundle ID 有什么区别? Xcode 项目中的应用程序 ID 在哪里?

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在 pList 文件中,有一个 com.mycompany.myapp 形式的捆绑 ID,但 Apple 还在开发者门户上提供了一个应用 ID。

因此,基本上,包 ID 有什么用?我们在Xcode项目中哪里可以找到应用程序ID?



应用 ID 和 bundle ID 之间有什么区别?

Because most people think of the App ID as a string, they think it is interchangeable with Bundle ID. It appears this way because once the App ID is created in Member Center you only ever use the App ID Prefix which matches the Bundle ID of the Application Bundle

Xcode 项目中的应用 ID 在哪里?

You don't find the App ID in Xcode. It is an object (not just a string) in Member Center. Xcode is where the Bundle ID is found. It is specified when creating a new project. (screenshot below) Each Target in a project will have a unique Bundle ID. It can be found/changed by selecting the project in the Project Navigator the choosing the Target and either General or Info from the Jump Bar.

The Xcode interface is described here or here (depending on how Apple is feeling that day).

捆绑 ID 有什么用?

It uniquely defines each App. It is specified in Xcode. A single Xcode project can have multiple Targets and therefore output multiple apps. A common use case for this is an app that has both lite/free and pro/full versions or is branded multiple ways.




  1. 应用程序 ID

    Think of this as an object in Member Center with lots of metadata including:

    • App ID Description
    • App ID Prefix
    • App ID Suffix
    • App Services
  2. 应用 ID 说明

    Alphanumeric plus spaces

    Sometimes you are shown this instead of the App ID, or a dropdown is sorted by this App ID

    (I always make this the same as the App ID with the dots changed to spaces)

  3. 应用 ID 前缀

    Select from a list of available hashes in the Team ID format (see below)

    You pretty much always want to select the one labeled "(Team ID)"

  4. 应用 ID 后缀

    A reverse-domain name style string

    This must match the Bundle ID specified in Xcode

  5. 显式应用 ID

    Describes an App ID with an App ID Suffix that contains no wildcards

    Can only be associated with a single app (by exactly matching a Bundle ID)

    Compatible with all App Services

  6. 通配符应用 ID

    Describes an App ID with an App ID Suffix that ends with an asterisk

    Can be associated with multiple apps (matched similar to CLI/bash shell wildcard matching)

    Not compatible with Game Center, In-App Purchase, or Push Notifications App Services

  7. 应用服务

    A combination of

    • Data Protection
    • Game Center
    • iCloud
    • In-App Purchase
    • Inter-App Audio
    • Passbook
    • Push Notifications
  8. 团队 ID

    A 10 character alphanumeric hash

    Unique to every Developer Account (as in the account that costs $99/yr, not every developer on the account)

  9. Apple ID

    A unique integer assigned by Apple when an app is first created in iTunes Connect.

  10. bundle ID

    A reverse-domain name style string

    Defined in Xcode

    Uniquely identifies an Application Bundle on a device or simulator

    Must have a matching App ID registered with Apple in order to deploy

    Used to distinguish app updates vs. new apps

  11. 应用程序包

    The result of the Build process in Xcode. Though it has an extention of .ipa it is a zip file. The content is a very specific directory structure and holds everything the App needs. It looks like someone took a Mac .app file from /Applications, put in a directory named Payload, zipped it, then change the extension.

  12. 目标

    Every Xcode project has at least 1 target. Each target specifies an app that can be built from the project.

  13. SKU

    Apple allows you to store a Stock Keeping Unit string (alphanumeric, cannot have spaces) for each app in iTunes Connect. Apple doesn't do anything with this except display it on reports generated for your record keeping.



在 Xcode 中创建 Xcode iOS 项目对话框

Create Xcode iOS Project screenshot



在成员(member)中心创建App ID页面

Create App ID screenshot



iTunes Connect 中的应用程序信息页面

iTunes Connect screenshot

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