cocoa - OSX 10.9 Mavericks 钥匙串(keychain) API 损坏?

标签 cocoa keychain osx-mavericks security-framework

自从升级到 OSX 10.9 Mavericks 以来,我一直无法在安全框架中使用 Keychain API,因为每次调用 Keychain 函数时,都会抛出未知异常。我尝试了钥匙串(keychain)包装器的许多不同实现,当它们调用任何钥匙串(keychain)函数时,它们都会抛出未知的异常。我什至尝试过苹果在其开发人员网站上发布的示例代码,但遇到了同样的问题。这是一个已知问题吗?如果是,修复的状态如何?现在有什么方法可以使用Keychain吗?我在下面提供了来自苹果网站的示例代码。这是链接:

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <Security/Security.h>
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>

//Call SecKeychainAddGenericPassword to add a new password to the keychain:
OSStatus StorePasswordKeychain (void* password,UInt32 passwordLength)
 OSStatus status;
 status = SecKeychainAddGenericPassword (
                NULL,            // default keychain
                10,              // length of service name
                "SurfWriter",    // service name
                10,              // length of account name
                "MyUserAcct",    // account name
                passwordLength,  // length of password
                password,        // pointer to password data
                NULL             // the item reference
    return (status);

//Call SecKeychainFindGenericPassword to get a password from the keychain:
OSStatus GetPasswordKeychain (void *passwordData,UInt32 *passwordLength,
                                                SecKeychainItemRef *itemRef)
 OSStatus status1 ;

 status1 = SecKeychainFindGenericPassword (
                 NULL,           // default keychain
                 10,             // length of service name
                 "SurfWriter",   // service name
                 10,             // length of account name
                 "MyUserAcct",   // account name
                 passwordLength,  // length of password
                 passwordData,   // pointer to password data
                 itemRef         // the item reference
     return (status1);

//Call SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData to change the password for
// an item already in the keychain:
OSStatus ChangePasswordKeychain (SecKeychainItemRef itemRef)
    OSStatus status;
    void * password = "myNewP4sSw0rD";
    UInt32 passwordLength = strlen(password);

 status = SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData (
                 itemRef,         // the item reference
                 NULL,            // no change to attributes
                 passwordLength,  // length of password
                 password         // pointer to password data
     return (status);

/* ********************************************************************** */

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    OSStatus status;
    OSStatus status1;

     void * myPassword = "myP4sSw0rD";
     UInt32 myPasswordLength = strlen(myPassword);

     void *passwordData = nil; // will be allocated and filled in by
     SecKeychainItemRef itemRef = nil;
     UInt32 passwordLength = nil;

    status1 = GetPasswordKeychain (&passwordData,&passwordLength,&itemRef);  //Call
        if (status1 == noErr)       //If call was successful, authenticate user
                                    //and continue.
        //Free the data allocated by SecKeychainFindGenericPassword:
    status = SecKeychainItemFreeContent (
                 NULL,           //No attribute data to release
                 passwordData    //Release data buffer allocated by

    if (status1 == errSecItemNotFound) { //Is password on keychain?
    If password is not on keychain, display dialog to prompt user for
    name and password.
    Authenticate user.  If unsuccessful, prompt user again for name and password.
    If successful, ask user whether to store new password on keychain; if no, return.
    If yes, store password:
    status = StorePasswordKeychain (myPassword,myPasswordLength); //Call
                                                      // SecKeychainAddGenericPassword
    return (status);

    If password is on keychain, authenticate user.
    If authentication succeeds, return.
    If authentication fails, prompt user for new user name and password and
     authenticate again.
    If unsuccessful, prompt again.
    If successful, ask whether to update keychain with new information.  If no, return.
    If yes, store new information:
    status = ChangePasswordKeychain (itemRef);  //Call
                                            // SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData
    if (itemRef) CFRelease(itemRef);
    return (status);



您的申请是否已正确签名?如果不是这样,许多调用将会神秘地失败。我认为这开始发生在 10.8 左右。您收到什么错误代码?

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