objective-c - cocoa : how to add an icon to NSTabViewItem using the method drawlabel:inRect in cocoa?

标签 objective-c cocoa icons image-resizing nstabview

我想向 NSTabViewItem 添加一个带有一些文本的图标。

请帮我解决 drawLabel:inRect: 方法中的代码。

- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder
[super initWithCoder:decoder];

tabCell = [[NSBrowserCell alloc] initImageCell:[NSImage 

[tabCell setLeaf:YES];
[tabCell setFont:[[self tabView] font]];
[tabCell setStringValue: [self label]];

return self;

- (void)drawLabel:(BOOL)shouldTruncateLabel inRect:(NSRect)tabRect
{ //  modify the rect a tad so the cell draws properly..
    tabRect.origin.y += 2;
    tabRect.size.width += 16;

[tabCell drawWithFrame:tabRect inView:[self tabView]];

- (NSSize)sizeOfLabel:(BOOL)shouldTruncateLabel
NSSize superSize = [super sizeOfLabel:shouldTruncateLabel];
NSImage *icon = [tabCell image];

superSize.width += [icon size].width-4;

return superSize;

我可以向 NSTabViewItem 添加一个图标,但该图标由于尺寸太大而从选项卡中出来。如何保持图标的大小保持在 TabViewItem 内?




- (void)drawLabel:(BOOL)shouldTruncateLabel inRect:(NSRect)tabRect{

    NSImage *pImage = [self getImage];

    [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
    NSAffineTransform* xform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
    [xform translateXBy:0.0 yBy: tabRect.size.height];
    [xform scaleXBy:1.0 yBy:-1.0];
    [xform concat]; 

        [pImage drawInRect:NSMakeRect(tabRect.origin.x-8,-6,16, 16)fromRect:NSZeroRect
     [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
    [super drawLabel:shouldTruncateLabel inRect:tabRect];
    NSLog(@" Inside drawRect text (%@)",[self labeltitle]);


关于objective-c - cocoa : how to add an icon to NSTabViewItem using the method drawlabel:inRect in cocoa?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11520961/


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