macos - Xamarin 中的 MDItem 类

标签 macos cocoa xamarin xamarin.mac

我正在尝试从文件中读取评论字段。 enter image description here

找到this thread关于如何做到这一点,但在Xamarin中找不到MDItem相应的类。



某些 CoreServices 未包含在当前 Xamarin.Mac 中 (版本:。



enter image description here


var fileURL = NSUrl.FromString("/Users/sushi/Desktop/DFeedback_FeedBack.png");
var mMDItemRef = MDItemCreateWithURL(IntPtr.Zero, fileURL.Handle);

var mCFTypeRef = MDItemCopyAttribute(mMDItemRef, new CFString("kMDItemFinderComment").Handle);
var finderComment = NSString.FromHandle(mCFTypeRef);





// @function MDItemCreateWithURL
// Returns an metadata item for the given path.
// @param allocator The CFAllocator which should be used to allocate
// memory for the query and its sub-storage.This
// parameter may be NULL in which case the current default
// CFAllocator is used.
// @param url A url to the file for which to create the MDItem.
// [[Currently, the file must exist.MDItemRefs may or
// may not be uniqued.Use CFEqual() to compare them.]]
// @result An MDItemRef, or NULL on failure.

//MD_EXPORT MDItemRef MDItemCreateWithURL(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFURLRef url) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6_AND_LATER;
extern static /* MDItemRef */ IntPtr MDItemCreateWithURL(/* CFAllocatorRef __nullable */ IntPtr allocator, /* CFURLRef */ IntPtr inURL);

//@function MDItemCopyAttribute
//Returns the value of the given attribute for the item.
//@param item The item to be interrogated.
//@param name The name of the desired attribute.
//@result A CFTypeRef, or NULL on failure, or if the attribute
//does not exist, of if the attribute is not readable.

//MD_EXPORT CFTypeRef MDItemCopyAttribute(MDItemRef item, CFStringRef name) MD_AVAIL;
extern static /* CFTypeRef */ IntPtr MDItemCopyAttribute(/* MDItemRef */ IntPtr item, /* CFStringRef */ IntPtr name);

Xcode Obj-C header 引用:


本地 Xcode 引用::/Applications/

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