ios - cocoa又报错134100(开店的模型与创建商店的模型不兼容)

标签 ios objective-c sqlite cocoa core-data

我在 xcode 6.0.1 中创建了一个核心数据模型,然后我开始通过创建一个具有三个获取请求的简单实体来测试框架的可能性。 我使用了xcode工具。


String argnames
String argvalues
Integer16 type
String method



Unresolved error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134100 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 134100.)" UserInfo=0x7a6e0a80 {metadata={
NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 519;
NSStoreModelVersionHashes =     {
    RequestTask = <835609ac 6e164427 c573e9d7 c56ba74e b1cc0283 75a99bb9 0e74286d c95ce429>;
NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers =     (
NSStoreType = SQLite;
NSStoreUUID = "7D5176D6-DBFE-41B3-825C-BEE1F8E74B3E";
"_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
}, reason=The model used to open the store is incompatible with the one used to create the store}, {
metadata =     {
    NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 519;
    NSStoreModelVersionHashes =         {
        RequestTask = <835609ac 6e164427 c573e9d7 c56ba74e b1cc0283 75a99bb9 0e74286d c95ce429>;
    NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3;
    NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers =         (
    NSStoreType = SQLite;
    NSStoreUUID = "7D5176D6-DBFE-41B3-825C-BEE1F8E74B3E";
    "_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2;
reason = "The model used to open the store is incompatible with the one used to create the store";


我刚刚使用模板代码将核心数据应用程序与 AppleDev 上的一些示例一起使用。

#pragma mark - Core Data stack

// Returns the managed object context for the application.
// If the context doesn't already exist, it is created and bound to the persistent store coordinator for the application.
- (NSManagedObjectContext *)managedObjectContext
    if (_managedObjectContext != nil) {
        return _managedObjectContext;

    NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *coordinator = [self persistentStoreCoordinator];
    if (coordinator != nil) {
        _managedObjectContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] init];
        [_managedObjectContext setPersistentStoreCoordinator:coordinator];
    return _managedObjectContext;

// Returns the managed object model for the application.
// If the model doesn't already exist, it is created from the application's model.
- (NSManagedObjectModel *)managedObjectModel
    if (_managedObjectModel != nil) {
        return _managedObjectModel;
    NSURL *modelURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"AppBesson" withExtension:@"momd"];
    //NSURL *modelURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"TestModel" withExtension:@"momd"];

    _managedObjectModel = [[NSManagedObjectModel alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:modelURL];
    return _managedObjectModel;

// Returns the persistent store coordinator for the application.
// If the coordinator doesn't already exist, it is created and the application's store added to it.
- (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator
    if (_persistentStoreCoordinator != nil) {
        return _persistentStoreCoordinator;

    NSURL *storeURL = [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"appbesson.sql"];
    //NSURL *storeURL = [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"testmodel.sql"];

    NSError *error = nil;
    _persistentStoreCoordinator = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithManagedObjectModel:[self managedObjectModel]];

    NSDictionary *options = @{NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption:@YES, NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption:@YES};

    if (![_persistentStoreCoordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:@"Default" URL:storeURL options:nil error:&error]) {

        [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtURL:storeURL error:nil];
        NSLog(@"Unresolved error %@, %@", error, [error userInfo]);

    return _persistentStoreCoordinator;

这是有趣的部分:我确实在这里、Google、AppleDevelopper 上进行了搜索...我很确定我错过了一些东西。


  • 卸载模拟器上的应用 + 重置模拟器 + 项目清理和构建
  • 手动删除模拟器设备文档文件夹中的.sqlite .mom .momd
  • 创建另一个模型(空)进行测试,它也失败了,所以我删除了有关它的所有内容
  • 在真正的 iPhone 上尝试过,同样的问题...




我通过试验找到了它,但我无法解释为什么...... 添加商店时只需将配置设置为nil,而不是@"Default"

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