cocoa - 具有多个属性的模型关键路径

标签 cocoa core-data cocoa-bindings nsarraycontroller kvc

在这里,我使用 NSArrayController 将 Core Data 实体的属性绑定(bind)到 TextView 表格单元格的值。

enter image description here


格式字符串示例:@"%@, %@", lastName, firstName;



  1. 选择“带模式的值:显示模式值 1”
  2. 绑定(bind)到数组 Controller
  3. Controller 键 = 选择
  4. 模型键路径 = lastName
  5. 显示模式 = %{value1}@, %{value2}@
  6. 选择绑定(bind)检查器中现在可用的选项:“显示模式值 2”
  7. 将 Value2 绑定(bind)到 AC、选择firstName

这记录在 NSTextField section of the Cocoa Bindings Reference.


NSString* bannerPattern = @": %{value1}@ items found, %{value2}@ hidden %{value3}@";
NSString* totalPattern = [dateString stringByAppendingString:bannerPattern];

[ftview.textField bind:@"displayPatternValue1" toObject:ft withKeyPath:@"visibleNumber" options:@{NSDisplayPatternBindingOption : totalPattern}];
[ftview.textField bind:@"displayPatternValue2" toObject:ft withKeyPath:@"hiddenNumber" options:@{NSDisplayPatternBindingOption : totalPattern}];
[ftview.textField bind:@"displayPatternValue3" toObject:ft withKeyPath:@"newString" options:@{NSDisplayPatternBindingOption : totalPattern}];

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