android - picasso 可以帮我排队吗?

标签 android image picasso android-image image-loading

这是关于 picasso 行为的一个关键点,我不知道。

假设您正在放映包含 10 个项目的幻灯片。比如说,他们每人在屏幕上停留十秒钟。


picasso.get( url1 )
picasso.get( url2 )
picasso.get( url3 )
picasso.get( url4 )
picasso.get( url5 )
picasso.get( url6 )
picasso.get( url7 )
picasso.get( url8 )
picasso.get( url9 )
picasso.get( url10 )

而且,事实上, picasso 会在队列中一次做一个

如果我告诉 Picasso 一次预热 10 个 url,它的行为是什么?

是否可以让 Picasso 按顺序一次只做一件事情 - 有这样的选择吗?



感谢@alicanozkara 在这个页面上的惊人回答,我第一次了解到

(13k 星)无论好坏,我认为 picasso 时代可能已经结束。


Is it possible to have Picasso do things only one at a time, in order - is there such an option?

我不确定它可以用 Picasso 本身来完成,但至少 RxJava 可能适用于这个问题。


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    public static final List<String> urlList = Arrays.asList(

    List<Target> targetList = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Completable> completables = new ArrayList<>();

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // emit each url separately
                // flatmap to an Observable<Completable>
                .flatMap(url ->
                        // fromCallable ensures that this stream will emit value as soon as it is subscribed
                        // Contrary to this, Observable.just() would emit immediately, which we do not want
                        Observable.fromCallable(() ->
                                // We need to know whether either download is
                                // completed or no, thus we need a Completable
                                Completable.create(e -> {
                                    Target target = new Target() {
                                        public void onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) {
                                            Log.i("vvv", "downloaded " + url + ", " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));

                                        public void onBitmapFailed(Drawable errorDrawable) {
                                            e.onError(new IllegalArgumentException("error happened"));

                                        public void onPrepareLoad(Drawable placeHolderDrawable) {

                                    // need to keep a strong reference to Target, because Picasso holds weak reference
                // collecting all Completables into a list
                .collectInto(completables, List::add)
                // flatmap-ing this Observable into a Completable, concatenating each completable
                // to next, thus they will be downloaded in order
                // clearing the strong reference we retained earlier
                .doFinally(() -> {
                    targetList = null;
                        () -> Log.i("vvv", "done: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)),
                        throwable -> Log.e("vvv", "err " + throwable.getMessage()


这将是 logcat 中的输出:

enter image description here

这是理想情况,当每个图像都成功加载时。当无法加载其中一张图像时,此代码段不处理这种情况。一旦 Picasso 无法加载其中之一 - 流将被中断并调用 onError()

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