delphi - 当一个类实现了后代接口(interface)时,为什么它不自动算作实现了基接口(interface)?

标签 delphi interface delphi-2010


  IInterfaceA = interface ['{44F93616-0161-4912-9D63-3E8AA140CA0D}']
    procedure DoA;

  IInterfaceB = interface(IInterfaceA) ['{80CB6D35-E12F-462A-AAA9-E7C0F6FE0982}']
    procedure DoB;

  TImplementsAB = class(TSingletonImplementation, IInterfaceB)
    procedure DoA;
    procedure DoB;

  ImplementsAB: TImplementsAB;
  InterfaceA: IInterfaceA;
  InterfaceB: IInterfaceB;
  ImplementsAB := TImplementsAB.Create;
  InterfaceA := ImplementsAB; >> incompatible types


InterfaceA := ImplementsAB as InterfaceB;

InterfaceA := InterfaceB;

我的意思是,如果 IInterfaceB 继承自 IInterfaceA 并且 TImplementsAB 实现 IInterfaceB,那么也实现 IInterfaceA 并保持类型兼容是不合逻辑的吗?


这是因为早期的 OLE/COM 有一个错误,Borland 决定与其兼容。这篇文章提到了这一点:New Delphi language feature: Multiple inheritance for interfaces in Delphi for .NET 。解决方案是在类中显式列出所有祖先接口(interface),如 Mikael 所写。


The problem was in COM itself. To load a module, COM would load the DLL, GetProcAddress on a well-known entry point that was supposed to be exported from the DLL, call the DLL function to obtain an IUnknown interface, and then QueryInterface for IClassFactory. The problem was, when Microsoft added support for IClassFactory2, they added the QueryInterface for IClassFactory2 after the existing code that queried for IClassFactory. IClassFactory2 would only be requested if the query for IClassFactory failed.

Thus, COM would never request IClassFactory2 on any COM server that implemented both IClassFactory2 and IClassFactory.

This bug existed in COM for a long time. Microsoft said that they couldn't fix the COM loader with an OS service pack because both Word and Excel (at the time) relied on the buggy behavior. Regardless of whether it's fixed in the latest releases of COM or not, Borland has to provide some way to preserve this behavior in Win32 Delphi for the forseeable future. Suddenly adding all ancestors into an implementing class that weren't there before is very likely to break existing code that unintentionally falls into the same pattern as the COM loader.

关于delphi - 当一个类实现了后代接口(interface)时,为什么它不自动算作实现了基接口(interface)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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