reactjs - 使用 TypeScript 设置 React 组件的状态类型

标签 reactjs typescript

我正在尝试在我的 React 项目中使用 TypeScript

export enum IngridientType {
  BreadBottom = "BreadBottom",
  BreadTop = "BreadTop",
  Meat = "Meat",
  Cheese = "Cheese",
  Bacon = "Bacon",
  Salad = "Salad",
  Seeds1 = "Seeds1",
  Seeds2 = "Seeds2",

export type IngredientsListType<R> = { [key in keyof typeof IngridientType]?: R };

type IBurgerBuilderState<T> = { ingredients: IngredientsListType<T> };

class BurgerBuilder extends Component<{}, IBurgerBuilderState<number>> {
  state = {
    ingredients: {
       [IngridientType.Bacon]: 2,
       [IngridientType.Cheese]: 2,



Property 'state' in type 'BurgerBuilder' is not assignable to the same property in base type 'Component<{}, IBurgerBuilderState, any>'. Type '{ ingredients: { [IngridientType.Salad]: number; [IngridientType.Cheese]: number; }; }' is not assignable to type 'Readonly>'.



我在 TypeScript Playground 中使用您的代码进行调整,并提出了以下方法 - 将您的枚举与简单的通用类型一起使用:

export enum IngridientType {
  BreadBottom = "BreadBottom",
  BreadTop = "BreadTop",

type IngridientsType<T extends string, U> = {
    [K in T]: U;

interface IState {
  ingredients: IngridientsType<IngridientType, number>;

const state: IState = {
  ingredients: {
    [IngridientType.BreadTop]: 0,
    [IngridientType.BreadBottom]: 2,
    someOtherIngredient: 'wrongType', // ts will throw errors on it

编辑:如果您问我示例中出现错误的原因是什么,我不能 100% 确定。然而上面的例子可能更友好一点?

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