reactjs - 为什么 useEffect 不会在每次渲染时触发?

标签 reactjs react-hooks mobx-react

我的组件有两个 Rect.useEffect 钩子(Hook)

const Example = ({ user }) => {
  React.useEffect(() => {
    autorun(() => {
      console.log("inside autorun", user.count);

  // Only runs once
  React.useEffect(() => {
    console.log("Why not me?");

  return <Observer>{() => <h1>{user.count}</h1>}</Observer>;

我使用mobx更新此组件。它被正确地重新渲染。但是“Why not me?”只打印一次。

根据official docs

By default, effects run after every completed render

这意味着 console.log("Why not me?"); 也应该在每次更新 prop user 时运行。但事实并非如此。控制台输出是这样的



Edit mobx-useEffect query


在 Mobx 中,就像提供渲染函数回调的 Observer 组件一样,autorun 函数也独立于 React 生命周期执行。


根据 mobx-react 文档

Observer is a React component, which applies observer to an anonymous region in your component. It takes as children a single, argumentless function which should return exactly one React component. The rendering in the function will be tracked and automatically re-rendered when needed.

和 mobx 文档

When autorun is used, the provided function will always be triggered once immediately and then again each time one of its dependencies changes.




If I change useEffect to this

React.useEffect(autorun(() => {console.log("inside autorun", user.count)}));

basically remove anonymous function from useEffect and just pass autorun directly, then it is run only once. Why is it so? What's the difference?

不同之处在于,autorun 返回一个disposer 函数,该函数在运行时将处置autorun 并且不再执行它。


The return value from autorun is a disposer function, which can be used to dispose of the autorun when you no longer need it.

现在发生的情况是,由于 useEffect 执行运行时提供给它的回调,因此执行的回调是 autorun 返回的 disposer 函数,它本质上取消了自动运行。

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