reactjs - React with Typescript——使用 React.forwardRef 时的泛型

标签 reactjs typescript generics

我正在尝试创建一个通用组件,用户可以将自定义 OptionType 传递给组件以进行全程类型检查。该组件还需要一个 React.forwardRef



export interface Option<OptionValueType = unknown> {
  value: OptionValueType;
  label: string;

interface WithoutForwardRefProps<OptionType> {
  onChange: (option: OptionType) => void;
  options: OptionType[];

export const WithoutForwardRef = <OptionType extends Option>(
  props: WithoutForwardRefProps<OptionType>,
) => {
  const { options, onChange } = props;
  return (
      { => {
        return (
            onClick={() => {


import { Option } from './WithoutForwardRef';

interface WithForwardRefProps<OptionType> {
  onChange: (option: OptionType) => void;
  options: OptionType[];

export const WithForwardRef = React.forwardRef(
  <OptionType extends Option>(
    props: WithForwardRefProps<OptionType>,
    ref?: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>,
  ) => {
    const { options, onChange } = props;
    return (
        { => {
          return (
              onClick={() => {


import { WithoutForwardRef, Option } from './WithoutForwardRef';
import { WithForwardRef } from './WithForwardRef';

interface CustomOption extends Option<number> {
  action: (value: number) => void;

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      <h3>Without Forward Ref</h3>
        options={[{ value: 'test', label: 'Test' }, { value: 1, label: 'Test Two' }]}
        onChange={(option) => {
          // Does type inference on the type of value in the options
          console.log('BASIC', option);
            value: 1,
            label: 'Test',
            action: (value) => {
              console.log('ACTION', value);
        onChange={(option) => {
          // Intellisense works here
      <h3>With Forward Ref</h3>
        options={[{ value: 'test', label: 'Test' }, { value: 1, label: 'Test Two' }]}
        onChange={(option) => {
          // Does type inference on the type of value in the options
          console.log('BASIC', option);
      <h4>Custom (WitForwardRef is not generic here)</h4>
            value: 1,
            label: 'Test',
            action: (value) => {
              console.log('ACTION', value);
        onChange={(option) => {
          // Intellisense SHOULD works here





无法直接创建通用组件作为 React.forwardRef 的输出1(见底部)。不过,还有一些替代方案 - 让我们稍微简化一下示例以进行说明:

type Option<O = unknown> = { value: O; label: string; }
type Props<T extends Option<unknown>> = { options: T[] }

const options = [
  { value: 1, label: "la1", flag: true }, 
  { value: 2, label: "la2", flag: false }

为简单起见,选择变体 (1) 或 (2)。 (3) 将用常用的 props 替换 forwardRef。使用 (4),您可以在应用程序中全局选择 forwardRef 类型定义。

Playground variants 1, 2, 3

Playground variant 4

1。使用type assertion (“类型转换”)

// Given render function (input) for React.forwardRef
const FRefInputComp = <T extends Option>(p: Props<T>, ref: Ref<HTMLDivElement>) =>
  <div ref={ref}> { => <p>{o.label}</p>)} </div>

// Cast the output
const FRefOutputComp1 = React.forwardRef(FRefInputComp) as
  <T extends Option>(p: Props<T> & { ref?: Ref<HTMLDivElement> }) => ReactElement

const Usage11 = () => <FRefOutputComp1 options={options} ref={myRef} />
// options has type { value: number; label: string; flag: boolean; }[] 
// , so we have made FRefOutputComp generic!

这是有效的,因为 forwardRef 的返回类型原则上是 plain function 。我们只需要一个通用的函数类型形状。您可以添加额外的类型以使断言更简单:

type ForwardRefFn<R> = <P={}>(p: P & React.RefAttributes<R>) => ReactElement |null
// `RefAttributes` is built-in type with ref and key props defined
const Comp12 = React.forwardRef(FRefInputComp) as ForwardRefFn<HTMLDivElement>
const Usage12 = () => <Comp12 options={options} ref={myRef} />


const FRefOutputComp2 = React.forwardRef(FRefInputComp)
// ↳ T is instantiated with base constraint `Option<unknown>` from FRefInputComp

export const Wrapper = <T extends Option>({myRef,}: Props<T> & 
  {myRef: React.Ref<HTMLDivElement>}) => <FRefOutputComp2 {} ref={myRef} />

const Usage2 = () => <Wrapper options={options} myRef={myRef} />

3。完全省略 forwardRef

使用 custom ref prop反而。这是我最喜欢的 - 最简单的替代方案,a legitimate way in React并且不需要forwardRef

const Comp3 = <T extends Option>(props: Props<T> & {myRef: Ref<HTMLDivElement>}) 
  => <div ref={myRef}> { => <p>{o.label}</p>)} </div>
const Usage3 = () => <Comp3 options={options} myRef={myRef} />



import React from "react"

declare module "react" {
  function forwardRef<T, P = {}>(
    render: (props: P, ref: ForwardedRef<T>) => ReactElement | null
  ): (props: P & RefAttributes<T>) => ReactElement | null

这将augment React 模块类型声明,用新的 function overload 覆盖 forwardRef类型签名。权衡:像 displayName 这样的组件属性现在需要类型断言。




function forwardRef<T, P = {}>(render: ForwardRefRenderFunction<T, P>): 
  ForwardRefExoticComponent<PropsWithoutRef<P> & RefAttributes<T>>;

所以这个函数需要 generic类似组件render function ForwardRefRenderFunction,并返回类型为 ForwardRefExoticComponent 的最终组件。这两个只是函数类型声明with additional properties displayNamedefaultProps

现在,TypeScript 3.4 有一个名为 higher order function type inference 的功能类似于 Higher-Rank Types 。它基本上允许您将自由类型参数(来自输入函数的泛型)传播到外部,调用函数 - React.forwardRef 这里 -,因此生成的函数组件仍然是泛型的。

但此功能只能与普通函数类型一起使用,正如 Anders Hejlsberg 在 [1] 中解释的那样, [2] :

We only make higher order function type inferences when the source and target types are both pure function types, i.e. types with a single call signature and no other members.

上述解决方案将使 React.forwardRef 再次与泛型一起使用。

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