reactjs - react Redux : Testing mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps with Enzyme/Jest

标签 reactjs redux react-redux jestjs enzyme

所以我想用 Enzyme/Jest 测试 mapStateToPropsmapDispatchToProps

我有一个像这样的组件 DrawerAvatar:


const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  isAuthenticated: state.authReducer.isAuthenticated

export default compose(
  connect(mapStateToProps, null)


import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import connectedDrawerAvatar, { DrawerAvatar } from './DrawerAvatar';

const mockStore = configureMockStore();

it('mapStateToProps should return the right value', () => {
  const initialState = {
    someState: 123
  const store = mockStore(initialState);
  const wrapper = shallow(<connectedDrawerAvatar store={store} />);

但是,这不起作用,因为 wrapper.props().someState 返回 undefined...所以我不知道如何测试 mapStatesToProps 和 redux-使用连接的组件进行模拟存储。

我也不知道如何测试mapDispatchToProps ..! 我已经尝试过此 blog 中提供的方法但它不起作用。


编辑: 这可行,但我不确定它是否真正测试ma​​pStateToProps...有人可以确认这是测试mapStateToProps的正确方法吗? DrawerAvatar.test.js

  it('mapStateToProps should return the right value', () => {
    const initialState = {
      isAuthenticated: false
    const mockStore = configureMockStore();
    const store = mockStore(initialState);

    const wrapper = shallow(<connectedDrawerAvatar store={store} />);


我发现的一种方法是:redux discussion on github

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';

import ConnectedDrawerAvatar from './DrawerAvatar';
describe('DrawerAvatar', ()=> {
    const mockStore = configureMockStore();

    it.each([true, false], 'receives correct value from store as props', (value)=> {
        const initialState = { authReducer: { isAuthenticated: value } }
        const store = mockStore(initialState)

        const wrapper = shallow(<ConnectedDrawerAvatar store={store} />)

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