reactjs - 将 Electron 应用程序发布到 Windows 商店时如何修复 'The available app icons include a default icon'?

标签 reactjs electron windows-store-apps windows-store electron-builder

我在这里开源的 Electron react 项目:windows-terminal-tweaker

renderer 文件夹运行 npm run release 后,它会在 renderer/dist 目录中构建应用程序。

dist/TerminalTweaker 目录包含所有构建的文件以及 .exe 文件。

此后,我使用 Electron-windows-store 来使我的应用程序发布做好准备。这是我的脚本:

const convertToWindowsStore = require('electron-windows-store')

   containerVirtualization: false,
   inputDirectory: 'dist/TerminalTweaker',
   outputDirectory: 'output',
   packageVersion: '',
   packageName: 'terminalTweaker',
   identityName : '<secretId>' , 
   familyName : '<secretString>' ,
   publisherDisplayName : "Natesh M Bhat" , 
   packageDisplayName: 'Terminal Tweaker',
   packageDescription: 'Tweak your windows terminal to heart\'s content with this app using its beautiful interface to configure everything about the terminal.',
   packageExecutable: 'dist/TerminalTweaker/Terminal Tweaker.exe',
   publisher: 'CN=<secretString>',
   windowsKit: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\bin\\10.0.18362.0\\x64',
   finalSay: function () {
     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve())

现在,一旦我获得 terminalTweaker.appx ,我就会将此包上传到 Windows 应用商店应用程序仪表板中。


App Policies: 10.1.1 Icon

Notes To Developer

The available app icons include a default icon. Icons must uniquely represent apps so users associate icons with the appropriate apps and do not confuse one app for another. For information about icons and tiles in Windows apps, see Application Icons and Logos, or for 3D icons for Mixed Reality apps, see 3D app launcher design guidance.


您需要更改Electron提供的默认图标(即Electron的标志)。该图标也将在 Windows 应用商店中使用,它显然不会反射(reflect)您的应用程序。


  • windows-terminal-tweaker/renderer/public/favicon.ico


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