reactjs - 在react-router中保留查询参数

标签 reactjs react-router

在我的 react 应用程序中,我有一些用户进入应用程序的参数,这些参数提供了有关他们来自何处的一些信息。有没有办法使用react-router在整个应用程序中保留这些查询参数。意味着每次更改路线时,我都希望这些查询参数保留在网址中。我见过的唯一例子是在路由之间传递查询参数,但没有为每个路由保留它们。



Solution for react-router v4可用。

react-router v3 的解决方案:

我写了这个小history Typescript 中的 v3(与 react-router v3 兼容)增强器。它将保留给定的一组查询参数。请小心 - 传递给此函数的历史记录必须使用 useQueries 进行增强.

import {History, Location, LocationDescriptor} from 'history'

export default function preserveQueryHistory(history: History, queryParameters: string[]): History {
    function preserveQueryParameters(path: LocationDescriptor): Location {
        const location = history.createLocation(path)
        const currentQuery = history.getCurrentLocation().query
        for (let p of queryParameters) {
            const v = (currentQuery as any)[p]
            if (v) {
                location.query[p] = v
        return location
    return {
        push(path: LocationDescriptor) {
        replace(path: LocationDescriptor) {


import useQueries from 'history/lib/useQueries'
import createBrowserHistory from 'history/lib/createBrowserHistory'
import preserveQueryHistory from './preserveQueryHistory'

const history = preserveQueryHistory(useQueries(createBrowserHistory)(), ['language'])

在 react 路由器中:

<Router history={history}>

更多终极解决方案,具有 CreateHistory 增强器功能,该功能嵌入应用 useQueries 增强器,并提供注入(inject)自定义 History 的能力增强剂:

import {CreateHistory, History, HistoryOptions, HistoryQueries, Location, LocationDescriptor} from 'history'
import useQueries from 'history/lib/useQueries'

function preserveQueryParameters(history: History, queryParameters: string[], path: LocationDescriptor): Location {
    const location = history.createLocation(path)
    const currentQuery = history.getCurrentLocation().query
    for (let p of queryParameters) {
        const v = (currentQuery as any)[p]
        if (v) {
            location.query[p] = v
    return location

function enhanceHistory<H>(history: History & H, queryParameters: string[]): History & H {
    return Object.assign({}, history, {
        push(path: LocationDescriptor) {
            history.push(preserveQueryParameters(history, queryParameters, path))
        replace(path: LocationDescriptor) {
            history.replace(preserveQueryParameters(history, queryParameters, path))

export function createPreserveQueryHistoryWithEnhancer<O, H, H2>(createHistory: CreateHistory<O, H>,
    queryParameters: string[], enhancer: (h: History) => History & H2): CreateHistory<O, H & H2 & HistoryQueries> {
    return function (options?: HistoryOptions & O): History & H & H2 & HistoryQueries {
        let h = enhancer(useQueries(createHistory)(options)) as History & H & H2 & HistoryQueries
        return enhanceHistory<H & H2 & HistoryQueries>(h, queryParameters)

export function createPreserveQueryHistory<O, H>(createHistory: CreateHistory<O, H>,
    queryParameters: string[]): CreateHistory<O, H & HistoryQueries> {
    return createPreserveQueryHistoryWithEnhancer<O, H, {}>(createHistory, queryParameters, h => h)

export function preserveQueryHistoryWithEnhancer<H, H2>(history: History & H, queryParameters: string[],
    enhancer: (h: History) => History & H2): History & HistoryQueries & H & H2 {
    return createPreserveQueryHistoryWithEnhancer(
        function () {
            return history
        queryParameters, enhancer)()

export function preserveQueryHistory<H>(history: History & H, queryParameters: string[]): History & HistoryQueries & H {
    return preserveQueryHistoryWithEnhancer<H, {}>(history, queryParameters, h => h)

使用syncHistoryWithStore react-router-redux v4 历史增强器:

import createBrowserHistory from 'history/lib/createBrowserHistory'
import {createPreserveQueryHistoryWithEnhancer} from './preserveQueryHistory'
import {syncHistoryWithStore} from 'react-router-redux'

const store = ...

const history = createPreserveQueryHistoryWithEnhancer(createBrowserHistory, ['language'], function (h: History) {
    return syncHistoryWithStore(h, store)

关于reactjs - 在react-router中保留查询参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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