javascript - jsrender 模板不会渲染,有什么想法吗?

标签 javascript jquery jsrender



 var v = jQuery.url().param("id");
            post: "POST",
            url: "svc.asmx/FetchNewsDetail",
            dataType: "text",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            data: { 'id': v },
            success: function (data) {


这是我通过 Web 方法(、asmx)收到的 json 字符串:

{"newsDetailId":1,"newsId":1,"newsItemTitle":"Make Your Reservations Before It\u0027s Too Late","newsItemDate":"\/Date(1400652000000)\/","newsItemBannerUrl":"img/news/bass_single_news.jpg","newsItemBannerAlt":"BASS Divisional","newsItemText":"Join us at the Noxon Reservoir in Trout Creek, Mont., for the 2014 B.A.S.S. Nation Western Divisional. This fishery is in the northwest corner of Montana, very close to Idaho and only a 2-hour drive to Canada. Montana has hosted B.A.S.S. Nation divisionals, but it has not hosted other levels of B.A.S.S. tournaments. Competitors will vie for the Western title May 21-23.","newsItemQuote":"I think what I like most about B.A.S.S. Nation divisionals is the opportunity to go to places that you don\u0027t often think of as well-known tournament destinations, such as Noxon in Montana and Lake Monroe in Indiana\"- Jon Stewart, director of the B.A.S.S. Nation"}{"d":null}


            <script id="newsSingleTemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
                <section class="first-column">
                    <div class="date">
                        <img src="{{url:newsItemBannerUrl}}" width="670" height="300" alt="{{:newsItemBannerAlt}}" />
                        <br />{{:newsItemText}}</p>
                    <div id="slogan">



已成功测试 a fiddle 。你的问题表述得不是很清楚。究竟是什么不起作用?您的模板适用于哪种上下文?您使用什么数据结构?

var template = $.templates("#newsSingleTemplate");"#result", data);

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