android - 如何检查android中所有正在运行的服务?

标签 android list service background




在我们的 android base 手机或平板电脑上。谁能告诉我在 android 源代码中使用了哪些函数或类来提供此功能。




How to Access Android’s List of Running Apps in 6.0 Marshmallow and Above

在 Android 6.0 中哪里可以找到正在运行的服务就像我之前提到的,在

Android 5.x and below, you could see what was going on by jumping in Settings > Apps > Running. This shows both running processes and services, along with how much memory (RAM) is being used by System and Apps, as well as how much is still available.

To find the same menu in Marshmallow, you’ll first need to enable Developer Options. Do this by heading into Settings, then About Phone.

Once there, find the Software info section—that will be a separate entry on some phones (Samsung, LG), but not on others, like Nexus devices. You’re looking for the Build Number, so you may have to poke around a bit before you find it. The first two images below were taken from the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, and the last one from the Nexus 6P. As you can see, the build is in two different places.

When you’ve found it, tap it seven times. You’ll see a toast notification letting you know how many are left until “you become a developer.” Once it’s been tapped seven times, a new menu will be unlocked just above About Phone in the main Settings menu.

Back in Settings, head into Developer Options. You should see “Running services” a little way down this menu—that’s what you’re looking for. Once you tap “Running services,” you should be presented with a familiar screen—it’s exactly the same one from Lollipop. Just in a different spot.

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