javascript - 如何在单元测试中处理嵌套异步操作

标签 javascript unit-testing asynchronous promise

我有一个 Javascript 模块,它从另一个模块访问 Promise 对象,然后将其转换为自己使用。我正在使用Bluebird确保所有 Promise 处理程序都是异步调用的库。这对于测试来说是一个很大的问题,特别是当内部 promise 没有公开时。

module.exports = (testedModule, app) ->
    app.module('otherModule').somePromise.then transformValue

transformValue = (val) ->
    return new Extra.TransformedValue(val)

在测试中,我 mock 第一个 promise ,所以我可以访问它。第二个 promise 保留在模块内部,我不想仅仅为了测试而公开它。请注意,我使用的是 Mocha+Chai+Sinon。

beforeEach ->
    @initModule = -> app.module('testedModule', testedModule)  # prepare function to initialize tested module
    @dfd = dfd = Promise.defer() # defer promise resolution to tests
    app.module 'otherModule', (otherModule) ->
        otherModule.somePromise = dfd.promise

    @transformSpy = sinon.spy Extra, 'TransformedValue'  # spy on the constructor function
    @promiseTransform = dfd.promise.then =>
        # this usually fails as the spy is called more then once due to async nature of the tests
        # promise gets resolved with the return value of the spy
        # thus it should contain created instance of the TransformedValue
        return @transformSpy.firstCall.returnValue

afterEach ->

每次测试的一些准备。只需使用 promiseTransform,在每个测试中分别使用 dfd.resolve() 即可解决。然而,transformSpy 本身附加到所有测试共享的全局对象(也许也应该被 stub )。大多数测试如下所示:

it 'should test whatever...', ->
    @init() # initialize module
    # something else is tested here, doesn't matter
    # note that @dfd is not resolved here, thus transformValue is not called yet

这工作得很好,但随后进行了实际解析 dfd 的测试,这里一切都变得困惑。有时 spy 会被多次解决或根本没有解决。这是非常令人困惑的异步操作竞赛。

it 'should instantiate TransformedValue with correct argument', (done) ->
    expected = {foo: "bar"}
    @promiseTransform.then (transformed) =>
        # test here that TransformedValue constructor has been called once
        # ... it actually FAILS, because it was called twice already!
        @transformSpy.withArgs(expected).should.have.been.calledOnce Extra.TransformedValue
    # somehow this resolves promise for previous test and 
    # it causes `transformValue` to be called back there
    @dfd.resolve expected 


您是否有任何一般(或具体)提示如何以更少的困惑和更多的控制和确定性来处理这个问题?目前我正在考虑对整个 Promise 进行 stub 以使其真正同步。但在我看来,这有点使测试无效,因为工作流程可能与实际运行中的工作流程不同。


spy 怎么了?如果这是同步代码,您就不会使用 spy 。如果一切都是同步的,您将如何编写测试?


it('should instantiate TransformedValue with correct argument', function() {
    var expected = {};
    return transform(expected).then(function(val) {
        assert.deepEqual(Extra.TransformedValue.value, expected)
        assert(val instanceof Extra.TransformedValue);

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