javascript - 将compositeView选项传递给itemView

标签 javascript backbone.js marionette

我有一个包含 itemView 的复合 View 。我在实例化时通过选项对象将一个值传递到复合 View 中。在compositeView 中,我将itemview 属性设置为itemview,并使用itemViewOptions 属性尝试将选项中的值传递到复合 View 中。这是我的代码:

复合 View :

myFirstCompositeView = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
    template: Handlebars.templates["myTemp"],

initialize: function(options){
    //this console statement works as expected options are there
        console.log("myFirstCompositeView.initialize() -> options -> ", options);
    this.eventBus = options.eventBus;
    this.mapModel = options.myModel;            
    //i tried this
        this.itemView : myFirstItemView;
        this.itemViewOptions = this.myModel;
    i also tried this...
    itemView : myFirstItemView
    itemViewOptions = this.myModel;

项目 View :

myFirstItemView = SegmentItemView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
    template: Handlebars.templates["myothertemp"],
    initialize : function(options){
    //value undefined
        console.log("myFirstItemView .initialize() -> ", options.myModel);


CompositeView 的实例化:

new myFirstCompositeView ({
    myModel : {testval : 777, teststr: "holy cow"},
    collection: model.get("myFirstCollection"),
    eventBus: eventBus

是否有办法将值传递到 itemView 中?



myFirstCompositeView = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
    template: Handlebars.templates["myTemp"],
    initialize: function(options){
        this.eventBus = options.eventBus;
        this.mapModel = options.myModel;            
    itemView : myFirstItemView,
    itemViewOptions: function(){
        return {
            myModel: this.myModel

From the Marionette documentation:

You can also specify the itemViewOptions as a function, if you need to calculate the values to return at runtime. The model will be passed into the function should you need access to it when calculating itemViewOptions. The function must return an object, and the attributes of the object will be copied to the itemView instance's options.

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