javascript - 在另一个插件中调用 jQuery 插件会停止工作吗?

标签 javascript jquery jquery-plugins

我使用了 2 个 jQuery 插件,一个称为 Cycle,用于在鼠标悬停时循环浏览图像(当鼠标在电视之外时停止循环),另一个称为 Cursometer,用于跟踪鼠标速度。我想将这两个插件集成在一起,以便循环的速度取决于鼠标的速度。但是,当我将 Cycle API 调用的部分添加到 Cursometer 的速度属性中时,Cycle 函数停止工作。我对 JQuery 很陌生,这与范围界定或立即调用有什么关系吗?当我将 Cycle 插件部分代码包含在其他插件调用(Cursometer)中时,为什么它不能工作?

Cycle 如何工作的示例:

JSfiddle 在这里:

        onUpdateSpeed: function(mouseSpeed) {
            // mouseSpeed is the current cursor speed
            var currSpeed = parseInt(mouseSpeed);

            /* cycle plugin begin */
                fx:     'none',
                speed:   100,   // want to pass currSpeed here, but it didn't work, even doesn't work with a number here
                timeout: 70


            }, function(){
            /* cycle plugin end */


        /* if move the cycle plugin part here, cycle will work, but there is no way I could dynamically get the mouseSpeed from the Cursometer plugin */





 var $speedometer = $('#speedometer');

    onUpdateSpeed: function(mouseSpeed) {
        var currSpeed = parseInt(mouseSpeed*100);
        var slide= $(this).find('.slides');
        var opts ="cycle.opts");
        opts.timeout = currSpeed==0?(0.1):currSpeed;
        /* cycle plugin begin */
               /* cycle plugin end */

            fx:     'none',
           // speed:   100,   // want to pass currSpeed here, but it didn't work
            timeout: 70


        }, function(){

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