javascript - Chrome 更新 38.0.2125.104 m 后,Google Map API v3 不显示多边形

标签 javascript google-maps google-chrome google-maps-api-3

我于 2014 年 10 月 17 日更新了 Chrome 浏览器。此后我无法在 Chrome 中看到在 Google Maps v3 Javascript 上绘制的多边形。在 IE 中,它运行得很好,在 Chrome 最新更新之前,它在 Chrome 上也运行得很好。

如果我需要进行任何修复才能在 Chrome 中显示,请告诉我。

以下代码用于创建半径环的多边形。 Json 对象被传递给该方法,并用于在谷歌地图的 mapInstance 上绘制多边形。

EDRV2.EDRMAPV3GOOGLEV3.Map.prototype.createPolylines = function(category, subcategory, polylineJSONObjects, showOnMap) {
    var polylines = [];
    var pts = null;
    var rawPairs = null;
    var rawLngLat = null;

    try {
        for (var i = 0; i < polylineJSONObjects.length; i++) {
            var polygonType = null;

            switch (category) {
                case EDRV2.LIGHTBOX.INTERNAL.SiteCategoryTypes.CONTOUR:
                    polygonType = EDRV2.EDRMAPV3.EnumPolygonTypes.CONTOUR;
                case EDRV2.LIGHTBOX.INTERNAL.SiteCategoryTypes.RADIUSRING:
                    polygonType = EDRV2.EDRMAPV3.EnumPolygonTypes.RADIUSRING;
                    polygonType = EDRV2.EDRMAPV3.EnumPolygonTypes.QUICKSCREENQUADRANT;

            polylines.push(new EDRV2.EDRMAPV3GOOGLEV3.Polyline(polygonType, this.mapInstance, polylineJSONObjects[i].coordinates, polylineJSONObjects[i].normalPolyAttributes, polylineJSONObjects[i].highlightPolyAttributes, polylineJSONObjects[i].normalPolyAttributes.mapLabelText));

        var mapObjectCollection = this.mapObjectAddRange(category, subcategory, EDRV2.EDRMAPV3.EnumMapObjectTypes.POLYLINE, polylines);
        mapObjectCollection.isActivated = true;

        if (showOnMap == true) {
            for (var j = 0; j < mapObjectCollection.mapObjects.length; j++) {
    } catch (ex) {
        throw new Error("Unable to create Polylines: " + ex.message);

EDRV2.EDRMAPV3GOOGLEV3.Polyline = function (polyType, googleMap, dvgCoordinatesString, normalPolyAttributes, highlightPolyAttributes, labelText) {
// Constructor
if (this instanceof EDRV2.EDRMAPV3GOOGLEV3.Polyline) {
    try {
        // inheritance
        google.maps.Polyline.apply(this, arguments);
        this.base = google.maps.Polyline.prototype;

        var pts = null;
        var rawPairs = null;
        var rawLngLat = null;

        // validate map
        if ((typeof (googleMap) == 'undefined') || (googleMap == null)) throw new Error('Missing or invalid googleMap.');
        if (!(googleMap instanceof google.maps.Map)) throw new Error('googleMap is not of google.maps.Map type.');

        // validate coordinates
        if ((typeof (dvgCoordinatesString) == 'undefined') || (dvgCoordinatesString == null)) throw new Error('Missing or invalid polyline coordinates.');

        dvgCoordinatesString = EDRV2.trim(dvgCoordinatesString);
        if (dvgCoordinatesString == '') throw new Error('Missing or invalid polyline coordinates.');

        // Code to convert DVG coordinates to Google Map LatLng corodinates.
        pts = new Array;
        rawPairs = dvgCoordinatesString.split('|');

        for (var i = 0; i < rawPairs.length; i++) {
            rawLngLat = (rawPairs[i]).split(',');
            if ((rawLngLat[0] != '') && (rawLngLat[1] != '')) { pts.push(new google.maps.LatLng(rawLngLat[1], rawLngLat[0])); }

        // Now initialize all properties. 
        this.polyType = polyType;
        this.googleMap = googleMap;
        this.normalPolyOptions = this.convertEdrPolyAttributesToGooglePolylineOptions(normalPolyAttributes);
        this.highlightPolyOptions = this.convertEdrPolyAttributesToGooglePolylineOptions(highlightPolyAttributes);
        this.labelText = labelText;

        // Call setPaths to define the paths of the polyline and then convert normalPolyAttributes to Google Polyline Options.

        if ((typeof (this.normalPolyOptions) != 'undefined') && (this.normalPolyOptions != null)) {

        switch (this.polyType) {
            case EDRV2.EDRMAPV3.EnumPolygonTypes.CONTOUR:
                google.maps.event.addListener(this, 'mouseover', this.onMouseOver);
                google.maps.event.addListener(this, 'mouseout', this.onMouseOut);
                google.maps.event.addListener(this, 'click', function (e) {{ type: EDRV2.EDRMAPV3.EnumEventNames.EDRMAPV3_CONTOUR_POLYLINECLICK, clickLatLng: e.latLng }); });

        this.isUsable = true;
    catch (ex) {
        this.isUsable = false;
        this.errorMessage = 'Unable to create Polyline object: ' + ex.message;
else { return new EDRV2.EDRMAPV3GOOGLEV3.Polyline(polyType, googleMap, dvgCoordinatesString, normalPolyAttributes, highlightPolyAttributes, labelText); }



我遇到了这个问题。谢谢大家。只是想分享一下,因为这是新 Chrome 更新后发生的事情。

google.maps.Polyline.apply(this,arguments); 在 Chrome 中发生故障并给出只读异常。我删除了“应用”并使用了“调用”,它起作用了。这意味着 Chrome 正在破坏 Polyline 的应用。, 参数);

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