javascript - 如何将 bootstrap popover 添加到 Angular ng-repeat

标签 javascript jquery angularjs twitter-bootstrap

我有angular ng-repeat :

<tr data-ng-repeat="employee in employees" ng-class="getClassForEmployee(employee.redRow)" >
    <td><a class="btn btn-success btn-sm" href="#employeeCorrect/{{}}">Редактировать</a></td>

AngularJS Controller 中的 JS 代码:

$scope.getClassForEmployee = function (employeeRedRow) {
    if (employeeRedRow) {
        return "alert alert-danger";

我想将 bootstrap popover 添加到 red <tr> 。例如:

 <tr id="popover" data-content="something" title="something">



如何动态添加 id、数据内容和标题到红行?


这是一个plunker通过使用 Angular-ui Bootstrap :)

 .... popover="{{ (employee.redRow) ? employee.first_name : '' }}" ....
if employee.redRow is true we add firstname as the poop
else we pass nothing for the poop then its not gonna show the poop

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