javascript - Google Drive Host 上的 libjass,可能吗?

标签 javascript node.js google-drive-api

我想使用libjass在 Google Drive Host 上使用 video-js。

但是 Google Drive Host 只允许 HTML 和 JS 文件,我无法在 Google Drive 上安装 Node。那么如何在 Google 云端硬盘上使用 libjass?


如果您按照README.md操作,您将看到„I want to use libjass for my website. What do I need to do?“部分。

  1. You need to build libjass.js using the instructions in
  2. You need to load libjass.js and libjass.css on the page with your video.
  3. You need to call the libjass API.

Only libjass.js and libjass.css are needed to use libjass on your website. The other files are only used during the build process and you don't need to deploy them to your website.

然后阅读 :

  1. Install node.js from or via your package manager
  2. Change to the directory where you cloned this repository.
  3. Run the following command

    npm install

    This will install the dependencies - Gulp, Mocha, TypeScript, UglifyJS2 and Vinyl. It will then run gulp to build libjass.js and minify it into libjass.min.js

因此,只需在您的计算机上本地构建它,然后将已构建的 .js 文件上传到您的 Google 云端硬盘即可。

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