javascript - ExtJS3:无法读取未定义的属性 'parentNode'

标签 javascript extjs extjs3 tabpanel

如果我们使用 closable: true 关闭 tabPanel,则默认操作将销毁 tabPanel。因此,由于 tabPanel 被破坏,我们将无法再次显示 tabPanel。但是,我不希望 tabPanel 被破坏,它必须被隐藏,所以我尝试了这个

    this.Manage = new Ext.TabPanel({
             title: 'Manage',
             closable: true,
             closeAction: 'hide',
             activeTab: 0,


发生的情况是,我能够显示 tabPanel,但其中的子元素没有显示。而且我在 js 控制台中遇到以下异常 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of undefined 另外,因此,我无法从树面板导航到其他选项卡面板,我收到以下信息js 控制台中的异常 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of undefined .



虽然 Pieter BcloseAction 的看法不正确,但他关于使用 beforeclose 事件的建议是正确的!

首先让我们看一下 Ext.Window 类中 cloaseAction 属性的实现,如下所示:




Tab Events

There is no actual tab class — each tab is simply a Component such as a Panel. However, when rendered in a TabPanel, each child Component can fire additional events that only exist for tabs and are not available from other Components. These events are:

  • activate : Fires when this Component becomes the active tab.
  • deactivate : Fires when the Component that was the active tab becomes deactivated.
  • beforeclose : Fires when the user clicks on the close tool of a closeable tab. May be vetoed by returning false from a handler.
  • close : Fires a closeable tab has been closed by the user.

所以理论上类似于this work :

new Ext.TabPanel({
    title: 'Manage',
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    closable: true,
    closeAction: 'hide',
    defaults: {
        listeners: {
            'beforeclose': function(panel) {
                // We should have the tab scope here
                var closeAction = this.ownerCt.closeAction
                if (closeAction === 'hide') {
                    return false;
                return true;
    activeTab: 0,
        {xtype:'panel', title: 'Tab 1', id:'tab1', closable: true, html: 'Tab 1'},
        {xtype:'panel', title: 'Tab 2', id:'tab2', closable: true, html: 'Tab 2'}

Please notice that this is a already working snipped but you will still need to fix some parts here. For example the tab el are just hidden and will stay in place. For a final version you will either need to remove them or set their size to zero.

关于javascript - ExtJS3:无法读取未定义的属性 'parentNode',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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