javascript - 我无法在 JavaScript 中获取要打印到文本区域的属性值,出现错误 : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null

标签 javascript

我正在努力获取打印到在线考试申请文本区域的值。我是 JavaScript 新手,但学得很快。我欢迎任何帮助,因为它让我疯狂地尝试各种不同的方式但没有成功。 提前致谢。

HTML 代码:

<!DOCTYPE html>


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                      <img class="img- img-responsive img-center" src="img/EXAM.PNG" alt="">
  <h1>Exam Level 1</h1>
      <form name ="testexam">
                <div><img class="img- img-responsive img-center" src="examimg/A1sharp.png" alt=""></div>
                     <li>Question 1, which is the correct answer</li>   
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q1" value = "wrong" >This note is B</input></li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q1" value = "correct" >This note is A#</input></li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q1" value = "wrong" >This note is C</input></li>
  <div><img class="img- img-responsive img-center" src="examimg/A1.png" alt=""></div>           
       <li> Question 2, which is the correct answer</li>
               <li><input type = "radio" name ="q2" value = "correct">This note is A</input></li>
                   <li><input type = "radio" name ="q2" value = "wrong">This note is B</input></li>
                       <li><input type = "radio" name ="q2" value = "wrong">This note is C</input></li>
    <div><img class="img- img-responsive img-center" src="examimg/B1.png" alt=""></div>
      <li> Question 3, which is the correct answer</li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q3" value = "wrong">This note is D</input></li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q3" value = "correct">This note is B</input></li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q3" value = "wrong">This note is A</input></li>
                <input type ="button" value = "hello" onclick="sayhello()"></input>
                <input type ="button" value = "submit" onclick ="checkAll()"></input>
                <input type ="reset" value = "clear"></input>
                    <textarea rows ="6" cols = "60" name ="answersBox">Your Answer Results are Listed   Below</textarea>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/testexam.js"></script>

JavaScript 代码

function sayhello()
var text2display = "";
    var answers = new Array(3);
        answers[0] = "1.This note is A#\n";
        answers[1] = "2.This note is A\n";
        answers[2] = "3.This note is B\n";

var questions = new Array(3);
    questions[0] = "q1";
    questions[1] = "q2";
    questions[2] = "q3";

function checkQs(s)
    var qs = document.getElementsByName(s);
        var noOfRadios = qs.length;

            for(var i = 0; i < noOfRadios; i++)
                  if (qs[i].value == "correct")
                      text2display = text2display + "Well Done You are Correct";
                          else text2diaplay = text2display + answers[questions.indexOf(s)];

   function checkAll()
   for(var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++)
        testexam.answerBox.value = text2display;


您提供了错误的文本区域名称:使用此:您的文本区域名称是 answersBox。并且您还需要关闭表单标记。您的 HTML 组织得不好,请尝试遵循一些教程。

testexam.answersBox.value = text2display;

  function sayhello()
     var text2display = "";
         var answers = new Array(3);
             answers[0] = "1.This note is A#\n";
             answers[1] = "2.This note is A\n";
             answers[2] = "3.This note is B\n";

     var questions = new Array(3);
         questions[0] = "q1";
         questions[1] = "q2";
         questions[2] = "q3";

     function checkQs(s)
         var qs = document.getElementsByName(s);
             var noOfRadios = qs.length;

                 for(var i = 0; i < noOfRadios; i++)
                       if (qs[i].value == "correct")
                           text2display = text2display + "Well Done You are Correct";
                               else text2diaplay = text2display + answers[questions.indexOf(s)];

        function checkAll()
        for(var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++)
        testexam.answersBox.value = text2display;
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             <!-- JS code from stack overflow; modified to suit application by Paul Gillis.-->
             <script type="text/javascript"></script>
           <div class= "container">
                <div class="col-sm-4">
                      <img class="img- img-responsive img-center" src="img/EXAM.PNG" alt="">
  <h1>Exam Level 1</h1>
      <form name ="testexam">
                <div><img class="img- img-responsive img-center" src="examimg/A1sharp.png" alt=""></div>
                     <li>Question 1, which is the correct answer</li>   
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q1" value = "wrong" >This note is B</input></li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q1" value = "correct" >This note is A#</input></li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q1" value = "wrong" >This note is C</input></li>
  <div><img class="img- img-responsive img-center" src="examimg/A1.png" alt=""></div>           
       <li> Question 2, which is the correct answer</li>
               <li><input type = "radio" name ="q2" value = "correct">This note is A</input></li>
                   <li><input type = "radio" name ="q2" value = "wrong">This note is B</input></li>
                       <li><input type = "radio" name ="q2" value = "wrong">This note is C</input></li>
    <div><img class="img- img-responsive img-center" src="examimg/B1.png" alt=""></div>
      <li> Question 3, which is the correct answer</li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q3" value = "wrong">This note is D</input></li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q3" value = "correct">This note is B</input></li>
            <li><input type = "radio" name ="q3" value = "wrong">This note is A</input></li>

                <input type ="button" value = "hello" onclick="sayhello()"></input>
                <input type ="button" value = "submit" onclick ="checkAll()"></input>
                <input type ="reset" value = "clear"></input>

                <textarea rows ="6" cols = "60" name ="answersBox">Your Answer Results are Listed   Below</textarea>
        <script type="text/javascript">

关于javascript - 我无法在 JavaScript 中获取要打印到文本区域的属性值,出现错误 : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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