javascript - JS 更改为 HTML 闪烁消失

标签 javascript html

我一直在尝试用 HTML 和 java 脚本做一个单选按钮检查器。当我单击“检查”按钮时,它将内部 html 更改为段落。由于某种原因,文本只显示大约半秒然后消失。


function runQuestionCheck() {
    var question_one_answer = 1;
    var question_two_answer = 1;
    var question_three_answer = 1;

    var question_one_explanation = "Text explaining why that's stupid!";
    var question_two_explanation = " ";
    var question_three_explanation = " ";

    var question_one = document.getElementById("question_1").childNodes;
    if (question_one[question_one_answer].isChecked) {
        document.getElementById("q1_response").class = "correct";
        document.getElementById("q1_response").innerHTML = "Correct!";
        document.getElementById("q1_response").innerHTML = ("Sorry, that's incorrect." +     question_one_explanation);


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Init CSS -->
        html {
            background-image: url("../Pictures/bg_france.png");
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            background-size: cover;
            background-attachment: fixed;

        .center {
            margin-left: auto;
            margin-right: auto;
            width: 20%;

        .right {
            position: absolute;
            right: 1cm;

        .left {
            position: absolute;
            left: 1cm;

        .button_left {
            position: absolute;
            left: 1cm;
            color: blue;

        .button_right {
            position: absolute;
            right: 1cm;
            color: blue;

        .correct {
            color: green;

        .incorrect {
            color: red;

    <!-- Init head -->
        <a href="home.html">
            <div class="button_left">
                Back to Home
        <a href="sub_france.html">
            <div class="button_right">
                Highlight facts
        <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="../Pictures/beck_icon.png">

    <!-- Init question script -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../JavaScripts/questions_spain.js"></script>

    <!-- Init body -->
        <FONT FACE="arial">
        <!-- Title -->
                America and France
        <!-- Body/Info -->
                This is where the info would go.
        <!-- Questions -->
            <h1>Comprehension Questions</h1>
            <form id="question_1">
                This is the first question!
                <input type="radio" name="color" value="q1_one">Answer one<br>
                <input type="radio" name="color" id="q1_two" value="green">Answer two<br>
                <input type="radio" name="color" id="q1_three" value="blue">Answer three<br>
            <p id="q1_response"></p>
            <form id="question_2">
                This is the second question!
                <input type="radio" name="color" value="q2_one">Answer one<br>
                <input type="radio" name="color" id="q2_two" value="green">Answer two<br>
                <input type="radio" name="color" id="q2_three" value="blue">Answer three<br>
            <p id="q2_response"></p>
            <form id="question_3">
                This is the third question!
                <input type="radio" name="color" value="q3_one">Answer one<br>
                <input type="radio" name="color" id="q3_two" value="green">Answer two<br>
                <input type="radio" name="color" id="q3_three" value="blue">Answer three<br>
                <button onclick="runQuestionCheck()">Check answers!</button>
            <p id="q3_response"></p>


您只看到一闪文字的原因是因为正在显示文本,然后页面立即刷新。这是因为您的复选按钮位于形式。由于表单没有设置 actionmethod,因此它默认通过 GET 提交到当前页面,这与刷新页面基本相同。

查看您的代码,您有很多可能不需要的表单。您不会将数据发送到任何地方,您只是在 JavaScript 中本地检查它。但是,要删除所有这些,您的 JavaScript 代码将需要进行重大修改,因此为了避免这种情况,您可以通过以下两种方式之一解决此问题:



    <button onclick="runQuestionCheck()">Check answers!</button>

<button onclick="runQuestionCheck()">Check answers!</button>

或者,向按钮添加 type 属性


    <button onclick="runQuestionCheck()" type="button">Check answers!</button>



  • 您的样式应位于head中。
  • 您的链接(返回首页和突出显示事实)不应位于head 中,而应位于body 中。内容永远不会出现在head中。
  • 您的脚本不能只是在一个偏僻的地方。它必须位于 headbody 中。现在一般建议将其放在body中。
  • 您不应使用 FONT 标签来设置文本样式,而应使用 CSS。要将所有内容放入 Arial 中,您可以将其放入 style 标记中:

    body {
        font-family: arial;
  • 您的 JavaScript 将遇到错误。在 JavaScript 中更改元素类的正确方法是 className。替换这个:

    document.getElementById("q1_response").class = "correct";


    document.getElementById("q1_response").className = "correct";

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