javascript - 使用 Knockout JS 进行数据绑定(bind)

标签 javascript c# html twitter-bootstrap knockout.js

我遇到了无法绑定(bind)数据然后使用 cshtml 显示它的问题。我尝试了不同的方法来制作可观察的数组,我在想,我的主要问题来自于尝试利用我所谓的“有界数据”...以下是我的 cshtml(c#-html) 代码,然后是我的 js 代码。

                        <label class="element-label">Continuous (Vibratory) Acceleration</label>
                        <select class="form-control device-family-selector" , data-bind="options: changeAuxFlange.availableVForces, optionsText: 'forceName', value: changeAuxFlange.selectedForces, optionCaption: 'Choose a force...'"></select>
                        <input style="width:50px; text-align:right;" , data-bind="text: changeAuxFlange.selectedForces" />
                        <label class="element-label">Maximum (Shock) Acceleration</label>
                        <select class="form-control device-family-selector" , data-bind="options: changeAuxFlange.availableSForces, optionsText: 'forceName', value: changeAuxFlange.selectedForces, optionCaption: 'Choose a force...'"></select>
                        <input style="width:50px; text-align:right;" , data-bind="value: changeAuxFlange.selectedForces" />


"use strict";
function ViewModel()
    // it would make more sense with the current setup to make the ViewModel be the Application, but I have set it up like this in case some day it is desired that this tool creates multiple applications in one session
    this.application = ko.observable(new Application('New Application', this));
    this.requestSearchMode = ko.observable(false);

function Application(name, parentViewModel)
this.sections =
        gForceSection: initGforceSection(this),
        pumpSection: initPumpSection(this),
        calcLoadsSection: initCalcLoadsSection(this)

    function initGforceSection(application)
    var data = ko.observableArray();

    var gForceSection = new Section('G-Forces', data, application);

    var self = this;
    var Force = function (name, value) {
        this.forceName = name;
        this.forceValue = value;
    var vibForce = {
        availableVForces: ko.observableArray([
            { vForce: "Skid steer loader", value: 4 },
            { vForce: "Trencher (rubber tires)", value: 3 },
            { vForce: "Asphalt paver", value: 2 },
            { vForce: "Windrower", value: 2 },
            { vForce: "Aerial lift", value: 1.5 },
            { vForce: "Turf care vehicle", value: 1.5 },
            { vForce: "Vibratory roller", value: 6 }
        selectedForces: ko.observable()
    var shockForce = {
        availableSForces: ko.observableArray([
            { sForce: "Skid steer loader", value: 10 },
            { sForce: "Trencher (rubber tires)", value: 8 },
            { sForce: "Asphalt paver", value: 6 },
            { sForce: "Windrower", value: 5 },
            { sForce: "Aerial lift", value: 4 },
            { sForce: "Turf care vehicle", value: 4 },
            { sForce: "Vibratory roller", value: 10 }
        selectedForces: ko.observable()

    gForceSection.families = ko.observableArray();
    productData.getPumpFamilies(function (data) {

    gForceSection.tbxNumberofPumps = ko.computed(function () { return });

    return gForceSection;
var viewModel = new ViewModel;



viewModels 是一系列嵌套对象,这使得引用变得非常复杂。我可以看到您正在尝试逻辑地构造数据,但这使得很难提供帮助。 knockout 有 context用于从绑定(bind) View 模型开始的绑定(bind)。您可以使用 with 绑定(bind)更改元素/部分的上下文。

否则,您必须为 Knockout 提供完整路径,例如data-bind="value: app.gforcesection.someitem.someProperty - 如果路径中的项目未定义,这可能会导致错误。


新的 viewModel 现在是一个“平面”对象,所有属性都直接在其上。我不确定为什么要将输入框绑定(bind)到强制,因此我修改了这些输入框以绑定(bind)到每个输入框的 value 属性。希望这可以帮助您朝着正确的方向前进。

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