javascript - Dojo InlineEditBox 无法初始化

标签 javascript dojo

尝试使用 tutorial 中描述的 InlineEditBox .


require(["dijit/InlineEditBox", "dijit/form/Textarea", "dojo/domReady!"], function(InlineEditBox, Textarea){
    var eb = new InlineEditBox({
        editor: Textarea,
        autoSave: false
    }, "ieb").startup();


TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of null

运行调试器显示InlineEditBox从未初始化。例如。 new Button() 创建一个小部件,如控制台中所示,而 new InlineEditBox() 返回 null。



您能向我们展示您的 HTML 代码吗?

<body class="claro">
<div id="ieb">
    When you click on this div you'll be able to edit it (in plain text).
    The editor's size will initially match the size of the (original) text, but will expand/contract as you type.

require(["dijit/InlineEditBox", "dijit/form/Textarea", "dojo/domReady!"], function(InlineEditBox, Textarea){
    var eb = new InlineEditBox({
        editor: Textarea,
        autoSave: false
    }, "ieb").startup();

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