javascript - 如何确保 $.each 推送 jQuery 中的所有延迟?

标签 javascript jquery deferred

我有以下 jQuery 代码:

    myFunc: function(cmd, obj){ 
        var idToExtMap = this. map;
        var requireRes = this.reqInst;
        var deferreds = [];
        var ret = true;
        $.each(idToExtMap[cmd], function(key, ext){
                if(ext.$classIns && ext.$classIns.prepare) {
                    var returnedValue = ext.$classIns.prepare(obj);
                            ret = satisfied;
                } else {
                        var cls = $.toFunction(ext.$jscls);
                        if(cls) {
                            ext.$classIns = new cls();
                                var returnedValue = ext.$classIns.prepare(obj);
                                        ret = satisfied;

            $.when.apply(null, deferreds).done(function(){
                return ret;

我遇到的问题是 $.when.apply 在所有 deferreds 被插入 deferreds 数组之前执行。如何确保 $.when.apply 仅在所有 deferreds 被插入 deferreds 数组后才执行?


您要做的主要事情是确保 promise 同步推送到数组中。通过将 deferreds.push(...) 隐藏在完成回调中,push() 是异步的,并且当 $ 时数组仍保证为空。 when.apply(...) 被执行。


  • 可以通过重新排列来避免 ext.$classIns.prepare(obj) 周围的代码重复。
  • 可以通过利用 Promise 拒绝来避免麻烦的外部变量 ret


myFunc: function(cmd, obj) {
    var requireRes = this.reqInst;
    var promises = $.map([cmd], function(key, ext) {
        var p; // p for promise
        if(ext.$classIns) {
            p = $.when(ext.$classIns);
        } else {
            p = requireRes(ext).then(function() {
                var cls = $.toFunction(ext.$jscls);
                if(cls) {
                    ext.$classIns = new cls();
                return ext.$classIns || null;

        /* At this point, `p` is a promise resolved with either a previously created `cls()` object or a freshly created one */

        // As we are inside `$.map(...)`, `return p.then(...)` causes the promise delivered by `p.then(...)` to be pushed onto the `promises` array.
        return p.then(function($classIns) {
            if($classIns && $classIns.prepare) {
                return $classIns.prepare(obj).then(function(satisfied) {
                    if(!satisfied) {
                        // Here, returning a rejected promise is equivalent to setting the original `ret` irrevocably to `false`.
                        return $.Deferred().reject(new Error(".prepare() not satisfied"));
            } else {
                // You may want also to reject if `$classIns` or `$classIns.prepare` doesn't exist.
                // If not, then delete this else{} clause.
                return $.Deferred().reject(new Error(".prepare() could not be called"));

    /* At this point, `promises` is an array of promises - some or all resolved, some or all pending */

    // Here, instead of the boolean `ret`, you can exploit the joined promise's success/error paths :
    // * success path is equivalent to ret == true.
    // * error path is equivalent to ret == false, or any unpredicted error.
    return $.when.apply(null, promises).then(function() {
        // Success.
        // Do whatever is necessary here or in `myFunc().then(function() {...})`.
    }, function(e) {
        // An error occurred.
        // Do whatever is necessary here or in `myFunc().then(null, function() {...})`.
        console.error(e); //for example


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