c++ - 如何正确旋转 GLM 四元数?

标签 c++ rotation transformation quaternions glm-math

我想在游戏中将我的车向左旋​​转 90 度。


            glm::quat rot(info.Rotation.w,info.Rotation.x,info.Rotation.y,info.Rotation.z);
            glm::quat done(glm::rotate(rot,glm::eulerAngles(rot)+glm::vec3(90.0f,0.0,0.0)));
            info.Rotation.x = done.x;
            info.Rotation.y = done.y;
            info.Rotation.z = done.z;
            info.Rotation.w = done.w;


然而,以下代码根本不会改变汽车的旋转(正如我所料,只是为了确保 GLM 与游戏中的 quats 兼容):

            glm::quat rot(info.Rotation.w,info.Rotation.x,info.Rotation.y,info.Rotation.z);
            glm::quat done(rot);
            info.Rotation.x = done.x;
            info.Rotation.y = done.y;
            info.Rotation.z = done.z;
            info.Rotation.w = done.w;


            glm::quat rot(info.Rotation.w,info.Rotation.x,info.Rotation.y,info.Rotation.z);
            glm::quat done(glm::rotate(rot,vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)));
            info.Rotation.x = done.x;
            info.Rotation.y = done.y;
            info.Rotation.z = done.z;
            info.Rotation.w = done.w;

汽车的旋转在游戏中只是设置为 0,0,0,0 旋转。我希望此代码不会影响旋转,因为我希望以下代码将汽车向左旋转 90 度:

            glm::quat rot(info.Rotation.w,info.Rotation.x,info.Rotation.y,info.Rotation.z);
            glm::quat done(glm::rotate(rot,vec3(90.0,0.0,0.0)));
            info.Rotation.x = done.x;
            info.Rotation.y = done.y;
            info.Rotation.z = done.z;
            info.Rotation.w = done.w;




[虽然这不是 GLM,但乘法中四元数的顺序仍然很清楚,这通常就是问题所在]


这是 C 代码,QuaternionFromAngles() 和 QuaternionMultiply() 正在覆盖第一个参数的目标。 world->axis6_input_rotation 只是一个 Quaternionf_t。输入来自 6 轴 Controller ,它比您的车辆模拟更自由,除非您实际上在代码中传递 vector 。

typedef struct { float w, x, y, z; } Quaternionf_t; 

void GuiMotion6axis(World_t *world, Port_t *port,
                    int x,  int y,  int z,
                    int xr, int yr, int zr)
    // convert spaceball input to World->rotation (a quaternion)
    //    Source http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/eulerToQuaternion/index.htm
    const float scale = 0.0004; // should factor in the time delta it covers as well.
    float xrf = (float)xr * scale;
    float yrf = (float)yr * scale;
    float zrf = (float)zr * scale;

    QuaternionFromAngles(& world->axis6_input_rotation, xrf, yrf, zrf);
    QuaternionMultiply(& world->rotation,  // worldrot = inputrot * worldrot
                       & world->axis6_input_rotation,  // a read-only use
                       & world->rotation               // a read-only use

    world->position.x += (float)x * scale;  // really should factor in the
    world->position.y += (float)y * scale;  //   elasped time.
    world->position.z += (float)z * scale;

关于c++ - 如何正确旋转 GLM 四元数?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055423/


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