javascript - 单击任何按钮都会触发我的 UserService.getUsers 函数,但这不应该发生

标签 javascript angularjs

因此,我编写了一个服务,将我的 http 请求添加到其中并获取服务。在我的所有项目中,我都使用弹出框(md-dialog -> Angular Material )。现在我面临2个问题。第一个是,在添加用户后,我将检索所有用户,因此我的用户列表将显示双倍。第二个问题是,当应用程序加载时,会正确显示用户列表,但是当单击触发弹出窗口的任何按钮时,用户列表将增加一倍。


这是我的应用程序的视觉效果 ->

我的 app.js 代码的一部分:

zazzleApp.factory('UserService', function ($http) {
        var UserService = {};

        UserService.userList = []//this is the array of users that we use in the controller (and in the page)
        //whatever resides in this array will be shown on the page (because the controller is bound to it)

        //get the users from the API
        UserService.getUsers = function () {
        $http.get("api/users") //your API url goes here
                console.log('LOGGING DATADROMSERVER ', dataFromServer);

                dataFromServer.forEach(function(user, index, arr) { 

                //here you should update the usersList from the server like this:
                UserService.usersList = dataFromServer;
                return dataFromServer;
            //something went wrong, process the error here
                console.log("Error in getting the users from the server");

        UserService.addUser = function (pUser) {
        //here you should do the $ and write some code on the .success() event. 
        //Just for an example I used here the .get() method to show you how to process the request, you should replace it
        //note the return $ below which takes our promise further to the controller so we can use it there if we want:
            return  $'api/users/invite', {
                    'role_id': pUser.role
                }, {
                    headers: {
                        "Content-Type": "text/plain"
            .success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                //code to run if all went well:
                console.log("Service: the user has been added", data);
                //add the new user to the list. 
                //actually, you may want to call UserService.getUsers() here to get an updated list of users: all of them will automagically reflect in the page without refresh:

            .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {//we had an error
                console.log("Failed to add user to DB");

        return UserService;

    .controller('CalendarCtrl', function ($scope, $mdDialog, $http, $rootScope, $timeout, User, Auth, UserService) {

        $scope.newUser = {};//this is the new user object. You can initialise it however you want
        $ = "";//initialize the data for the new user
        $scope.newUser.role = "";

        //this is how you bind the list to the data in the service:
        $scope.users = UserService.userList;

        $scope.isAdmin = Auth.isAdmin;
        $scope.getCurrentUser = Auth.getCurrentUser;

        //ask the service to grab the data from the server. This is bound to the first button in the page
        $scope.getDataFromService = function () {
            UserService.getUsers(); //after this gets called, the data will be shown in the page automatically

        //ask the service to add a new user with the API (called from the second button):
        $scope.addUserWithService = function () {
            //note that you can process the promise right here (because of the return $http in the service)
                    //here you can process the data or format it or do whatever you want with it
                    console.log("Controller: the user has been added");
                    $scope.users = [];// EMPTY THE ARRAY

                    //something went wrong
                    console.log("Controller: the user has been added");



UserService.getUsers = function () {
  .success(function(users) {
    console.log('LOGGING DATADROMSERVER ', users);
    return UserService.usersList = users;
  .error(function(err) {
    console.log("GET usres error: ", err);

无需在那里运行 forEach 并按用户添加用户。只需将其分配给来自服务器的响应即可。

在你的 Controller 中:

  $scope.addUser = function () {
      console.log("Controller: user has been added: ", newUser);
      console.log("Controller: Add user error: ", err);

无需清空数组并再次获取用户,因为服务正在处理 Controller 的数据。


.factory('UserService', UserService)
.controller('CalendarCtrl', CalendarCtrl);

function UserService($http) {
  var service = {
    getUsers: getUsers,
    add: add,
    userList: []

  return service;

  function getUsers() {
    $http.get("api/users").then(success, error);

    function success(users) {
      console.log('LOGGING DATADROMSERVER ', users);
      return service.usersList = users;

    function error(err) {
      console.log("GET usres error: ", err);

  function add(user) {
    var data = {
      role_id: user.role

    return  $'api/users/invite', data, { 
        headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }
      }).then(success, error);

    function success(data, status, headers, config) {
      console.log("Service: the user has been added", data);

    function error(data, status, headers, config) {
      console.log("Failed to add user to DB");

  return service;

function CalendarCtrl($scope, $mdDialog, $http, $rootScope, $timeout, User, Auth, UserService) {
  angular.extend($scope, {
    getCurrentUser: Auth.getCurrentUser,
    getUsers: UserService.getUsers,
    isAdmin: Auth.isAdmin,
    addUser: addUser,
    users: UserService.userList,
    newUser: {}


  function init() {

  function initNewUser() {
    $scope.newUser = { email: "", role: "" };

  function addUser() {
      console.log("Controller: user has been added: ", newUser);
      console.log("Controller: Add user error: ", err);
    .finally(function() {


所以你的 Controller 将是:

function CalendarCtrl($mdDialog, $http, $rootScope, $timeout, User, Auth, UserService) {
  var ctrl = this;

  angular.extend(ctrl, {
    getCurrentUser: Auth.getCurrentUser,
    getUsers: UserService.getUsers,
    isAdmin: Auth.isAdmin,
    addUser: addUser,
    users: UserService.userList,
    newUser: {}


  function init() {

  function initNewUser() {
    ctrl.newUser = { email: "", role: "" };

  function addUser() {
      console.log("Controller: user has been added: ", newUser);
      console.log("Controller: Add user error: ", err);
    .finally(function() {


关于javascript - 单击任何按钮都会触发我的 UserService.getUsers 函数,但这不应该发生,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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