javascript - 获取 playlistItems 的 viewCount,组合 HTTP 请求 youtube v3 + JQuery

标签 javascript jquery youtube-api xmlhttprequest youtube-data-api

我在这里慢慢变得疯狂:(我无法得到一个看似简单的事情来工作。我使用 yt api v3 从 channel 获取特定播放列表的视频。现在我使用两个 HTTP 请求( channel 和播放列表项目):

  1. 获取给定用户名( channel /内容详细信息)的所有上传的播放列表 ID
  2. 从 html-tag 中的数据属性获取特定的播放列表 ID
  3. 使用 ids 获取每个播放列表的视频信息(playlistItems/snippet)
  4. 输出视频信息,附加到列表



<h2><span>List 1</h2>
<ul data-plist="PLquImyRfMt6dWNzlyTHW9m353VadxKKg_"></ul>

<h2>List 2</h2>
<ul data-plist="PLquImyRfMt6d4gk6zX8FPEZeyYgE4oBdR"></ul>

<h2>List 3</h2>
<ul data-plist="PLquImyRfMt6fnpIb9VR9c6VLZwYs_OyWL"></ul>


var channelName = 'goetheinstitut';
var vidResults = 3;

// Get all Videos from the channel via Playlist "uploads"
    "", {
    part: 'contentDetails',
    forUsername: channelName,
    key: 'AIzaSyCu8N1RGBaExofEQtBZHMMpAYNxvirhIBM'

function (data) {
    $.each(data.items, function (i, item) {
        pid = item.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;

// Get videos for specific Playlist, id from data attr

function getVids(pid) {

    $("[data-plist]").each(function () {

        var vidPlaylist = $(this).data('plist');
        var mylist = $(this);

        // Get and output Playlist Items
            "", {
            part: 'snippet',
            maxResults: vidResults,
            playlistId: vidPlaylist,
            key: 'AIzaSyCu8N1RGBaExofEQtBZHMMpAYNxvirhIBM'

        function (data) {
            var output;

            $.each(data.items, function (i, item) {
                videoTitle = item.snippet.title.substring(8);
                videoId = item.snippet.resourceId.videoId;

                output = '<li><a href=\"//' + videoId + '?autoplay=1&showinfo=0&controls=0\"><h3>' + videoTitle + '</h3><small>viewCount</small></a></li>';

                //Append to results list                            

现在我还需要每个视频的 viewCount。 这意味着我必须将每个播放列表的 videoId 存储在数组中,然后为 stats.viewCount 发出新请求 ( )。但我无法用我已有的代码来管理它。这是 jsfiddle .

这是对 viewCount 的请求,其中包含手动输入的 id 数组:

    "", {
    part: 'statistics',
    // 3 ids from List 1 - these would have to come as variable
    id: '8kFevX-bp8g, L6thExvypGg, D_RBv6Bsm6E',
    key: 'AIzaSyCu8N1RGBaExofEQtBZHMMpAYNxvirhIBM'

function (data) {
    var listviews;

    $.each(data.items, function (i, item) {
        views = item.statistics.viewCount;

        listviews = '<li>'+views+'</li>';

        // should be part of the output from the previous function...           

有人可以帮我将这两个请求拼接在一起吗?我总是会得到一些 undefined variable ,因为我超出了范围。 :(




var channelName = 'goetheinstitut';
var vidResults = 3;

    "", {
    part: 'contentDetails',
    forUsername: channelName,
    key: 'AIzaSyCu8N1RGBaExofEQtBZHMMpAYNxvirhIBM'
function (data) {
    $.each(data.items, function (i, item) {
        var pid = item.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;

function getVids(pid) {
    $("[data-plist]").each(function () {
        var vidPlaylist = $(this).data('plist');
        var mylist = $(this);
            "", {
            part: 'snippet',
            maxResults: vidResults,
            playlistId: vidPlaylist,
            key: 'AIzaSyCu8N1RGBaExofEQtBZHMMpAYNxvirhIBM'
        function (data) {
            $.each(data.items, function (i, item) {
                var videoTitle = item.snippet.title.substring(8);
                var videoId = item.snippet.resourceId.videoId;
                    "", {
                    part: 'statistics',
                    id: videoId,
                    key: 'AIzaSyCu8N1RGBaExofEQtBZHMMpAYNxvirhIBM'
                function (data) {
                    $.each(data.items, function (i, item) {
                        var views = item.statistics.viewCount;
                        var output = '<li><a href=\"//' + videoId + '?autoplay=1&showinfo=0&controls=0\"><h3>' + videoTitle + '</h3><small>' + views + '</small></a></li>';

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