javascript - 无法从外部访问对象中的变量

标签 javascript

我没有成功访问从对象 Pong 外部播放的变量:

Pong = {
// some other objects
initialize: function (runner, cfg) {
    Game.loadImages(Pong.Images, function (images) {
        this.cfg = cfg;
        this.runner = runner;
        this.width = runner.width;
        this.height = runner.height;
        this.images = images;
        this.playing = false; // variable is defined here
        this.scores = [0, 0]; = Object.construct(Pong.Menu, this);
        this.court = Object.construct(Pong.Court, this);
        this.leftPaddle = Object.construct(Pong.Paddle, this);
        this.rightPaddle = Object.construct(Pong.Paddle, this, true);
        this.ball = Object.construct(Pong.Ball, this);
        this.sounds = Object.construct(Pong.Sounds, this);
    } .bind(this));
// some more functions 
isPlaying: function () { // I added this function to enable for access
    return this.playing; // here playing is undefined

start: function (numPlayers) {
    if (!this.playing) { // here playing is defined
        this.scores = [0, 0];
        this.playing = true;
        this.leftPaddle.setAuto(numPlayers < 1, this.level(0));
        this.rightPaddle.setAuto(numPlayers < 2, this.level(1));
// more objects and functions

这是一场乒乓球比赛。完整的页面是这样的:我不明白为什么这个变量可以在 start 中访问,而不能在 isPlaying 中访问。 这是为什么?我必须使用什么代码来访问这个变量?为了启用调试,我在 onclick 事件中添加了调用 isPlaying。


这是 javascript 的经典问题之一,this 会“意外地”改变。

在该回调内部,this 指向其他内容,而不是您的对象。解决方案之一是在闭包中捕获对象引用。

initialize: function (runner, cfg) {
  var that = this; // <= "that" won't change.
  Game.loadImages(Pong.Images, function (images) {
      that.cfg = cfg;
      that.playing = false;

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