javascript - AngularJS中的 Controller 有可能(部分类)概念吗?

标签 javascript angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope angularjs-controller

有什么方法可以使用 angularjs 中的部分进行代码分组吗?

原因 --- 我的 Controller 包含太多代码。该 Controller 包含了多个方法和大量功能的代码,降低了代码的可读性。我想保持 Controller 名称相同并进行代码分组。


app.controller('MainController', function ($scope, router) {
    $scope.Read = function() {

    $scope.Write = function() {

    $scope.Update = function() {

    $scope.Delete = function() {



    app.controller('MainController', function ($scope, router) {
        $scope.firstName = firstname;
        $scope.middleName = middleName;
        $scope.lastName = lastName;


    app.controller('MainController', function ($scope, router) {
        $scope.Print = function() {

        $scope.PrintPreviw = function() {



还有别的办法吗?是的,请更新.. 谢谢


您可以尝试将代码排序为逻辑 block 。之后,您可以将逻辑 block 合并为对象。

//Do NOT do this!
$scope.firstName = firstname;
$scope.middleName = middleName;
$scope.lastName = lastName;

//instead do this
var person = {
    firstname: "name",
    middleName: "mName",
    lastName: "Lname"

//then in your view access them like this
{ { person.firstname } }

此外,您可以将一些代码移至服务或工厂中。然后在 Controller 内使用这些方法。

//take things out of your controller and put then in a service or factory.
app.service('notePad', function () {
    return {

        Read: function (newState) {
            return state += state;

        Write: function (state) {
            return state += state;
        Update: function (state) {
            state = state;
        Delete: function () {
            state = null;


//then in your controller access them like this
//Note you do not need everything on $scope if you are not going to use it in the view.
app.controller('MainController', function ($scope, router, notePad) {
    $scope.Read = notePad.Read();
    $scope.Write = notePad.Write();
    $scope.Update = notePad.Update();
    $scope.Delete = notePad.Delete();

如果您需要服务内部 Controller 的功能,您仍然可以像这样访问范围和其他 Controller 属性。

注意:确保创建 onDestroy 方法来清理任何剩余变量。

//pass your scope to your service
app.controller('MainController', function ($scope, router, notePad) {

//munipulate your scope just like you would in a controller
app.service('notePad', function () {
    function changeView(scope) {
        scope.write = 'example';

//the result of the scope change in the service will show up in the view
{ { write } } == 'example'

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