javascript - 如何通过函数调用查找 JavaScript 变量的传递用法?

标签 javascript parsing esprima

假设我可以访问可能使用 JavaScript 变量 foo 的完整源代码。

一些源代码如下所示: = 'baz';

(function(a, b, c) {
    a(); = 'whee';
}(fn, foo, fn));

是否有可用的工具(ESLint 规则、NPM 模块等)可以识别此处 foo 变量的所有用法?我正在寻找变量的所有访问权限的列表,包括范围内的访问权限和嵌套对象的访问权限。因此,它必须确定:

  • 全局范围内的foo.bar用法
  • 函数调用中的foo用法
  • 调用是对 的访问


infer.findRefs(ast: AST, scope: Scope, name: string, refScope: Scope, f: fn(AST, Scope))
Will traverse the given syntax tree, using scope as the starting scope, looking for references to variable name that resolve to scope refScope, and call f with the node of the reference and its local scope for each of them.

infer.findPropRefs(ast: AST, scope: Scope, objType: Obj, propName: string, f: fn(AST))
Analogous to findRefs, but used to look for references to a specific property instead. Whereas findRefs is precise, this is dependent on type inference, and thus can not be relied on to be precise.

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