javascript - 在 Node 应用程序中定义路径树

标签 javascript node.js path gulp

我有一个带有 Gulp 的 Node.js 应用程序,它的目录结构很深,最多可达 5 层。

不幸的是,我找不到更好的方法来定义 Gulp 构建的路径。所以我开始做以下事情,

var path = require('path'),

    _joinPaths = function (parent, subPath) {
        return parent.dir ? path.join(parent.dir, subPath) : subPath;

    _subPath = function (parent, propName, subPath) {
        subPath = subPath || propName;
        parent[propName] = {
            dir: _joinPaths(parent, subPath)

    _entryPath = function (parent, entryPath) {
        parent.entry = _joinPaths(parent, entryPath);

    _pathPattern = function (parent, includes, excludes) {

function Paths() {
    var paths = {};

    _subPath(paths, 'src', './');
    _subPath(paths.src, 'lib');

    // Define more paths

所以最后我可以访问路径,例如 paths.src.lib




您可以使用 ES2015 功能来实现此目的


const proxyPath = require('../');

var tmp = proxyPath('/tmp');

console.log(tmp.cache['project-1']['..'].files + ''); // /tmp/cache/files


const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = structure;

const cache = new Map();

function structure(root) {
    var dir = path.resolve(root);
    var dirs;

    if (! cache.has(dir)) {
        if (fs.existsSync(dir)) {
            dirs = fs.readdirSync(dir + '');
        } else {
            dirs = [];
        cache.set(dir, dirs);
    } else {
        dirs = cache.get(dir);

    function toString() {
        return dir;

    return new Proxy({}, {
        has(target, prop) {
            return dirs.indexOf(prop) > -1;
        ownKeys(target) {
            return [...dirs];
        get(target, prop) {
            switch (prop) {
                case Symbol.toPrimitive:
                case 'toString':
                case 'valueOf':
                    return toString;
                if (typeof prop === 'string') {
                    return structure(path.resolve(dir, prop));
                } else {
                    return dir[prop];

继承自数组 as npm module :

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const DIR = Symbol('DirectoryArray.Dir');

class DirectoryArray extends Array {
    // Load directory structure if it exists
    constructor(dir) {

        this[DIR] = path.resolve(dir);

        if (fs.existsSync(this[DIR])) {

    // Create Directory array from relative path
    // supports '..' for lookup
    dir(dir) {
        return new this.constructor(
                this[DIR], dir

    toString() {
        return this[DIR];

DirectoryArray.Dir = DIR;

// Usage example

var cwd = new DirectoryArray(process.cwd());
var test = cwd.dir('test');

console.log(cwd + '');
console.log(cwd.join(', '));
console.log(test + '');
console.log(test.join(', '));

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