javascript - 如何循环遍历json数组以获取javascript中的值

标签 javascript jquery json

我有下面的 json 对象,我想循环它并在 div 中显示该值。 我的 json 对象和运行它的函数如下

  photos = [{"photo1":"myimage1.jpg",

           function showPhotoOnLoad(photos,$imgUrl){
           var $photoData = photos; 
           var photoLength = Object.keys($photoData[0]).length;
           var i, key;  
           var $containerWidth = 110;
           if(photoLength >0){
                 for (i in $photoData) {
                for (key in $photoData[i]) {
                  a = $photoData[i][key];
                imgsrc = $imgUrl = $imgUrl+a; 
                var div = $("<div class='mycarousel' style='left:"+left+"px'></div>");
                var imgPreview = "<img  class='myimg' src="+imgsrc+">";
                div = div.append(imgPreview);

                left = left+$containerWidth;


运行此函数后,我按预期创建了 4 个 div,但只有该 div 的第一个子级显示了图像,其他 3 个已损坏 img,我尝试调试并看到 var a假设是 img 名称,如 myimg1.jpg ,我得到的结果是

`a=myimg1.jpg` //at first iteration of the for loop which make the img display correctly,
`a=myimg1.jpgmyimg2.jpg` //at the second iteration 
`a=myimg1.jpgmyimg2.jpgmyimg3.jpg` //at the third iteration
`a=myimg1.jpgmyimg2.jpgmyimg3.jpgmyimg4.jpg` //at the last iteration

我想要得到的内容如下所示,因此创建的所有 div 都将具有指向 img 的正确链接

`a=myimg1.jpg` //at the first iteration
`a=myimg2.jpg` //at the second iteration 
`a=myimg3.jpg` //at the third iteration
`a=myimg4.jpg //at the last iteration


Problem is with imgsrc = $imgUrl = $imgUrl + a;


var photos = [{"photo1":"myimage1.jpg",


           function showPhotoOnLoad(photos,$imgUrl){
           var $photoData = photos; 
           var photoLength =     Object.keys($photoData[0]).length;
           var i, key;  
           var $containerWidth = 110;
           if(photoLength >0){
                 for (i in $photoData) {
                for (key in $photoData[i]) {
                  a = $photoData[i][key];
                imgsrc = "a="+a; 
                var div = $("<div class='mycarousel' style='left:20px'></div>");
                var imgPreview = "<img  class='myimg' src="+imgsrc+">";
                div = div.append(imgPreview);
               // left = left+$containerWidth;

<script src=""></script>

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