javascript - 映射函数且不填充变量

标签 javascript jquery


var cars = $('#mypage').data('carsdata');

if (cars == null) {
    var clientId = $("input[name='ClientId']").val();
    worksheet.ajax.execute('GET','/Cars/GetData/', { clientId: clientId }, function (res) {
        if (res == "") {

        cars = res.Owners.filter(function (e) {
            if (e.Email) {                        
                return true;
            return false;
        }).map(function (e) {                
            return { key: e.Id, label: e.Email };

        console.log("1" +cars.length); // cars lenght is 3

console.log("2" +cars.length); // cars is null

也许这是太多的代码,但问题是最后一行的 cars 变量始终为 null,即使我有 if 语句检查 null,在这种情况下我正在填充该变量,在

console.log("1" +cars.length); 

汽车长度为 3,因此不为空。为什么这个 cars.length 没有复制到

console.log("2" +cars.length);

这一切都好吗map function我是否正确填充了 cars 变量?



[Object { key=101, label=""}, Object { key=22, label=""}, Object { key=442, label=""}]


那是因为您正在 worksheet.ajax.execute( ) 的回调中填充 cars


var cars = $('#mypage').data('carsdata');
//1) cars is null here

if (cars == null) {
    //2) get inside the if statement and start the ajax call
    //   cars is null here
    worksheet.ajax.execute('GET','/Cars/GetData/', { clientId: clientId },
        function (res) {
            //4) the ajax call return his value, and cars is updated
            cars = res.Owners.filter( ... )

            //5) now cars has the correct value
            console.log("1" +cars.length); // cars lenght is 3

//3) get out of the if statement, print the console log 
//   cars is still null here
console.log("2" +cars.length); // cars is null

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