c++ - 围绕其中心旋转矩形

标签 c++ qt

我需要围绕它的中心点旋转一个矩形并将其显示在 QWidget 的中心。你能完成这个特定的代码吗?如果可能,您是否也可以简化解释或提供指向最简单解释的链接?

请注意:我已经阅读了 Qt 文档,编译了处理旋转的示例/演示,但我仍然无法理解它!

void Canvas::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
    QPainter paint(this);

    paint.drawLine(this->width()/2, 0, this->width()/2, this->height());
    paint.drawLine(0, this->height()/2, this->width(), this->height()/2);


    // Draw a 13x17 rectangle rotated to 45 degrees around its center-point
    // in the center of the canvas.

    paint.drawRect(QRect(0,0, 13, 17));



 void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event){
    QPainter painter(this);

    // xc and yc are the center of the widget's rect.
    qreal xc = width() * 0.5;
    qreal yc = height() * 0.5;


    // draw the cross lines.
    painter.drawLine(xc, rect().top(), xc, rect().bottom());
    painter.drawLine(rect().left(), yc, rect().right(), yc);


    // Draw a 13x17 rectangle rotated to 45 degrees around its center-point
    // in the center of the canvas.

    // translates the coordinate system by xc and yc
    painter.translate(xc, yc);

    // then rotate the coordinate system by 45 degrees

    // we need to move the rectangle that we draw by rx and ry so it's in the center.
    qreal rx = -(13 * 0.5);
    qreal ry = -(17 * 0.5);
    painter.drawRect(QRect(rx, ry, 13, 17));

你在画家的坐标系中。当您调用 drawRect(x, y, 13, 17) 时,它的左上角位于 (x,y)。如果你想让 (x, y) 成为矩形的中心,那么你需要将矩形移动一半,因此 rxry.

您可以调用 resetTransform() 来重置由 translate()rotate() 进行的转换。

关于c++ - 围绕其中心旋转矩形,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8586088/


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