javascript - 了解查找众数的函数

标签 javascript mode find-occurrences

希望这是一个可以在这里问的问题...... 因此,我在创建一个函数来查找众数(数组中出现次数最多的数字)时得到了一些帮助。但现在我需要一点帮助来理解它...... (我对编程完全陌生) 数据保存着“信息”,在另一个文件中包含多个数组。

let mode = function(data) {
  data.sort(function(a, b) {
    return a - b;    
  let mode = {},
  highestOccurrence = 0,
  modes = [];
  data.forEach(function(element) {
    if (mode[element] === undefined) {
      mode[element] = 1;
    } else {
    if (mode[element] > highestOccurrence) {
      modes = [element];
      highestOccurrence = mode[element];
    } else if (mode[element] === highestOccurrence) {
      highestOccurrence = mode[element];
  return modes;




let mode = function(data) {
  data.sort(function(a, b) {
    return a - b;    
  let mode = {},
  highestOccurrence = 0,
  modes = [];

  // This loops through data array (It should be data here and not data1)
  data.forEach(function(element) {

    // Here you check if the mode object already have that element key,  
    // setting the first occurence or incrementing it

    if (mode[element] === undefined) {
      mode[element] = 1;
    } else {

    // After that it checks if that mode has the higher occurence

    if (mode[element] > highestOccurrence) {

      // If it has the higher occurence it sets the modes to an array with
      // that element and the highestOccurrence value to that value
      modes = [element];
      highestOccurrence = mode[element];

    } else if (mode[element] === highestOccurrence) {
      // If it has the same number of occurences it just adds that mode to
      // the modes to be returned
      highestOccurrence = mode[element];
  return modes;


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