javascript - setInterval 执行速度太快

标签 javascript jquery


我在不同的文件中有多个 setInterval,它们具有各自的功能:

  1. 该应用程序是一个幻灯片放映目录,我有一个主要的 setInterval 来处理主应用程序中自定义幻灯片的循环。

    mainInterval = setInterval(changeSlide, 20000); execute after 20 seconds
    function changeSlide(){
       // .... do changes
  2. 另一个用作空闲计时器,当客户单击幻灯片信息时,将出现一个模式,但当没有用户交互时,该模式将关闭。该函数驻留在另一个 javascript 文件中。

        // .. show modal
         idleInterval = setInterval(timerIncrement, 1000); // executes every 1 secs.
    // This will reset idleTime when user interact with mousemove
    $(this).mousemove(function (e) {
        idleTime = 0;
    // This will reset idleTime when user interact with keypress.
    // Since there is a side panel search engine will appear 
    // when a button search is clicked.
    $(this).keypress(function (e) {
        idleTime = 0;
    function timerIncrement() {
        idleTime = idleTime + 1; // increment whenever the function is called
        // idleTime is more than 10 secs?
        // If true (10 secs is met) close the search panel if open
        //  and close the modal.
        if (idleTime > 10) {  
            // ... close the search panel if open
            // ... hides modal


由于点击 .item 时会显示一个模态,以避免多次 setInterval。


$('#item-modal').on('', function(e){

现在最大的问题是当我打印 console.log(idleTime); 时,模式在实际 10 秒到达之前关闭!我看到计时器的执行速度比正常情况要快。


您没有在每次单击 .item 时重置间隔,这可能会导致运行多个间隔时出现问题

// explicitely save the state you will be modifying to the window
var idleInterval = null
var idleTime = 0

$('.item').click(function(e) {
  // clear the interval if it's set
  idleInterval = setInterval(timerIncrement, 1000);

var resetIdleTime = function(e) {
  idleTime = 0;

function timerIncrement() {
  idleTime = idleTime + 1;
  if (idleTime > 2) {
    alert('show modal')
<script src=""></script>
<div class="item">this is the item</div>

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