javascript - MongoDB:如何获取主文档和所有祖先

标签 javascript mongodb meteor meteor-publications


    "_id" : "peRuJcPMDzZgTvWSX", 
    "author" : "author", 
    "type" : "article", 
    "parent" : "mnfTFfZ7Fqcu6ZJ7T", 
    "ancestors" : [ "hbSycmNNvmdqvpchX", "mnfTFfZ7Fqcu6ZJ7T" ] 
    "_id" : "mnfTFfZ7Fqcu6ZJ7T", 
    "article" : "article", 
    "parent" : "hbSycmNNvmdqvpchX", 
    "ancestors" : [ "hbSycmNNvmdqvpchX" ] 
    "_id" : "hbSycmNNvmdqvpchX", 
    "title" : "title", 
    "ancestors" : [ ] 

所以我知道的是第一个文档的 ID,并且我还需要出版物中的所有祖先。

Meteor.publish('list', function(id) {
    check(id, String);
    return Collection.find({}); // WRONG: gives me ALL documents
    return Collection.find({ _id: id }) // WRONG: gives me only the first document (main)
    // NEEDED: Main document and all ancestors



Meteor.publish('list', function(id) {
  check(id, String);
  const ancestors = Collection.findOne(id).ancestors;
  if ( ancestors ){
    return [ Collection.find(id), Collection.find({_id: {$in: ancestors}})];
  } else {
    return Collection.find(id);

您也可以使用 $or 通过单个 .find() 来完成此操作,但这可能会更慢。

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