javascript - 无法获取包含javascript代码的json中php变量的返回值

标签 javascript php json request laravel-5.3

我正在尝试在我的 php Controller 中创建动态 JavaScript 代码,并希望将其返回到 UI,该 UI 是 Angular JS 作为 JSON,但我得到的是 '' 响应。

这是我的 php 代码,我想将其作为 json 返回:

 $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
 $bcamp = Bcamp::where('user_id','=',intval($user_id))->first();//TODO How to clarify which campaign should be showed.
 $bcamp_id = $bcamp->_id;
 $width = $this->request->input('width');
 $height = $this->request->input('height');

 $script  = "<script type='text/javascript'>";
 $script .= "!( function( w, d ) {";
 $script .= "'use strict';";
 $script .= "var ad = { user: '".$user_id."', campaign_id: '".$bcamp_id."', seat_id: '".$seat_id."', width: '".$width."', height: '".$height."', id: 'iranad-' + ~~( Math.random() * 999999  ) },";
 $script .= "h = d.head || d.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ],";
 $script .= "s = location.protocol + '//localhost/banneri/iranad/ia.js';";
 $script .= "if ( typeof w.anetworkParams != 'object' )";
 $script .= "w.anetworkParams = {};";
 $script .= "d.write( '<div id=\"' + + '\" style=\"display: inline-block\"></div>' );";
 $script .= "w.anetworkParams[ ] = ad;";
 $script .= "d.write( '<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=' + s + ' async></script>' );";
 $script .= "})( this, document );";
 $script .= "</script>";
 $response = \Response::json($script, $statusCode);
 return $response;


仅供引用:我正在使用的 Laravel 5.3 框架。


$script 不是 json。它是一个字符串。

\Response::json 应该足够智能来处理它并按原样发送响应,但如果您期望客户端使用 json,它将无法解析它。

我不明白为什么你需要 Controller 返回整个 JS 代码。它几乎是静态的。唯一的动态部分是

{ user: '".$user_id."', campaign_id: '".$bcamp_id."', seat_id: '".$seat_id."', width: '".$width."', height: '".$height."', id: 'iranad-' }", which is valid JSON, unless you mess up with values of the variables, e.g. if it has unescaped quotes.


return \Response::json(['user' => $user_id, 'campaign_id' => $bcamp_id ... etc ], $statusCode);

用于 Response 将其转换为有效的 json。响应应加载到客户端的 var ad 中,并将 ad.idMath.random() * 999999 连接起来。

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