javascript - nodejs elementtree npm xml解析与合并

标签 javascript node.js xml parsing elementtree

我对我上次在下面的帖子中发布的同一模块有疑问。看来,处理XML解析是相当困难的。 elementTree 的文档非常少。

我有一个以下 template_XML 文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Tailoring xmlns="" id="">
<version time="2013-01-15T16:00:00.000+02:00">1.0</version>
    <Profile id="PlaceHolder">
    <title>Tailoring for py_test</title>
    <select idref="xccdf_rule_name" selected="true"/>

以及下面的sample_XML 文件:

<Benchmark xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" id="SAP-HANA" resolved="1" xml:lang="en-US">
<status date="2016-03-17">draft</status>
<title xmlns:xhtml="" xml:lang="en-US">Guide to the Secure Configuration of SAP HANA</title>

<Profile id="profile1">
    <title xmlns:xhtml="" xml:lang="en-US">text1</title>
    <select idref="This is rule 1" selected="true"/>
    <set-value idref="ssfs_master_key_timeout">20</set-value>

<Profile id="profile2">
    <title xmlns:xhtml="" xml:lang="en-US">text2</title>
    <select idref="this is rule1" selected="true"/>
    <select idref="this is rule1" selected="true"/>
    <select idref="this is rule1" selected="true"/>

我需要创建一个 new_xml 文件,即 template_XML 文件的副本。 但想要将 new_xml 文件中的“PlaceHolder”配置文件标记替换为 sample_XML 文件中的“profile2”标记。它是一种合并 2 个 xml 文件并创建一个新文件的方法。 以下是我尝试过的代码:

function call(id){
    var template_XML = 'C:\\MyDrive\\template_XML';
    var new_xml = 'C:\\MyDrive\\new_xml';
    data = fs.readFileSync(template_XML).toString();
    data1 = fs.readFileSync(sample_XML).toString();
    etree = et.parse(data);
    etree1 = et.parse(data1);
    var profile = etree.find('./Profile');  // Getting the profile sub-element.
    etree.getroot().remove(profile)         // Removing the sub-element. So that I can insert new profile from sample file

    var profiles = etree1.findall('./Profile'); // Find the required profile.
    for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
        if(profiles[i].get('id') == 'profile2')
            var tmppro = profiles[i];
    etree.insert(3,tmppro);     // insert it. Failing

    var write = fs.openSync(new_xml, 'w');
    etree.write(write);                     // write it. Failing



最后我能够让它与当前的库一起工作。 请看我的评论:

'use strict';

const et = require('elementtree');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

function populateXmlTemplate(id) {
	//Please use path.join to make it cross-platform
	var template_XML = path.join(__dirname, 'template.xml');
	var sample_XML = path.join(__dirname, 'sample.xml');
	var new_xml = path.join(__dirname, 'new.xml');

	var data = fs.readFileSync(template_XML).toString();
	var data1 = fs.readFileSync(sample_XML).toString();

	var etree = et.parse(data);
	var etree1 = et.parse(data1);

	var root = etree.getroot();

	var placeholder = root.find('./Profile');

	var profiles = etree1.findall('./Profile'); // Find the required profile.
	for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) {
		//If I get it right, it shouldn't be hardcoded
		if (profiles[i].get('id') == id) {
			var tmppro = profiles[i];

	//After you removed the placeholder the number of children decreased
	//So it should be 2, not 3.
	//Also etree doesn't have insert method, please call root.insert
	root.insert(2, tmppro);

	//You have been writing the document a bit incorrectly.
	var resultXml = etree.write();
	fs.writeFileSync(new_xml, resultXml);


module.exports = {populateXmlTemplate};

但是你是对的,文档并不好。大部分都不见了。所以大多数时候我只是 debugging看看可用的方法,还有一些tests在 lib 存储库中。

还有其他模块可以与 js 一起使用。请看这个answer .

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