javascript - Angular ngrepeat 不显示对象数组中的任何数据

标签 javascript angularjs

我想知道我在 Angular 上做错了什么,因为 ngrepeat 没有显示数据。

我这里有一个 fiddle

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <div ng-repeat="u in utilities.all">


var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

function MyCtrl($scope) {
    //var utilities = this;

    var utilities = {};

    utilities.all = [{ .... }];   // this is my data  it is in the fiddle
    console.log(utilities.all);  // this displays array of objects



您应该将 varutilities = {}; 更改为 $scope.utilities = {};

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);

function MyCtrl($scope) {
	//var utilities = this;

  $scope.utilities = {};

  $scope.utilities.all = 
      "programId": 1062,
      "name": "Atlantic City Electric",
      "utilityTypeName": "Electric",
      "programName": "Test Program 24",
      "rate": 0.0775,
      "term": 12,
      "serviceReference": false,
      "accountNumberTypeName": "Account Number",
      "accountNumberLength": 10,
      "msf": 4.95,
      "etf": 100,
      "unitOfMeasureName": "KwH",
      "meterNumberLength": null,
      "zip": "85281",
      "$$hashKey": "object:325"
    }, {
      "programId": 1063,
      "name": "Atlantic City Electric",
      "utilityTypeName": "Electric",
      "programName": "Test Program 12",
      "rate": 0.0875,
      "term": 24,
      "serviceReference": false,
      "accountNumberTypeName": "Account Number",
      "accountNumberLength": 10,
      "msf": 5.95,
      "etf": 150,
      "unitOfMeasureName": "KwH",
      "meterNumberLength": null,
      "zip": "85281",
      "$$hashKey": "object:326"
    }, {
      "programId": 1064,
      "name": "Atlantic City Electric",
      "utilityTypeName": "Gas",
      "programName": "Test Gas Program 12",
      "rate": 0.555,
      "term": 12,
      "serviceReference": false,
      "accountNumberTypeName": "Account Number",
      "accountNumberLength": 10,
      "msf": 1,
      "etf": 10,
      "unitOfMeasureName": "Therm",
      "meterNumberLength": 5,
      "zip": "85281",
      "$$hashKey": "object:333"

<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
 <div class="container-fluid" ng-repeat="u in utilities.all">

关于javascript - Angular ngrepeat 不显示对象数组中的任何数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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