javascript - 如何在javascript中将两个计算函数合并在一起

标签 javascript


//calculate price
var checks = document.getElementsByName('e');
for (var i = 0; i < checks.length; i++)
    checks[i].onclick = function () {
        var cal = document.getElementsByName('e');
        var total = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < cal.length; i++) {
            if (cal[i].checked)
                total += parseFloat(cal[i].getAttribute('data'));
        document.getElementsByName('total')[0].value = '$' + total;

//calculate radio price
var tick = document.getElementsByName('d');
tick.forEach(function (value) {
    if (value.checked)
        document.getElementsByName('total')[0].value = '$' + value.getAttribute('data');
for (var i = 0; i < tick.length; i++)
    tick[i].onclick = function () {
        var rad = document.getElementsByName('d');
        var sc = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < rad.length; i++) {
            if (rad[i].checked)
                sc += parseFloat(rad[i].getAttribute('data'));
        document.getElementsByName('total')[0].value = '$' + sc;



document.getElementsByName("total")[0].value = "$" + total ; and document.getElementsByName("total")[0].value = "$" + sc ;


document.getElementsByName("total")[0].value = "$" + total +sc ;

它给了我一个错误“total or sc is underfine”。



// Grab the divs that contains the checkboxes and radios
// document.querySelector can replace getElementById/Name/ClassName using the same syntax as css selectors.
var checkboxWrapper = document.querySelector('#prices-checkboxes');
var radioWrapper = document.querySelector('#prices-radios');
// Let's make one counting function that handles both the cechkboxes and the radios.
// Since it will be an event handler, it will have an 'event' object as its first parameter.
var calculatePrice = function( event ) {
	// We want to sum all the checkboxes, so we can just select them all out of the wrapper.
	// But we get an html collection, where we want an array, so we can cast it to an array as well at the same time.
	var checkedBoxes = checkboxWrapper.querySelectorAll('input:checked') );
	// The total of the checkboxes is just a reduction from many checkboxes to one number. This is similar to a for loop.
	var boxPrice = checkedBoxes.reduce(function( total, box ) {
		// Notice how we don't use floating point numbers here.
		// It's VERY important to not do calculations with floats when you work with money
		// Rounding errors can make the total be off, which leads to unhappy customers.
		// So we do all maths with integers and just divide the total by 100 in the end.
		var price = parseInt(box.getAttribute('data-price'), 10);
		total += price;
		return total;
	}, 0);
	// We also want the radio button that is checked, if any. Since radio buttons with the same name belong to the same group, this will always be only ONE radio.
	// So we can use querySelector instead of querySelectorAll so we only get One element instead of a collection we need to cast to an array.
	var checkedRadio = radioWrapper.querySelector('input:checked');
	// If there is no radio selected, the radio price is automatically 0
	// We can use a ternary here. This is just shorthand for: "if (checkedRadio) radioPrice = parseInt(checkedRadio.getAttribute('data-price'), 10); else radioPrice = 0;"
	var radioPrice = (checkedRadio) ? parseInt(checkedRadio.getAttribute('data-price'), 10) : 0;
	// Calculate the total price string, divide it by 100 so we have dollars again instead of cents and add/remove any trailing zeroes.
	// Always do the maths first, then determine how the result should be visualized.
	var realPriceString = '$' + ((boxPrice + radioPrice) / 100).toFixed(2);
	// Render the total price.
	document.querySelector('#total').innerHTML = realPriceString
// We want to add the event handler to the wrappers themselves. This way we only have to add it once, instead of for each checkbox and radio.
// addEventListener gives you more control than onclick, since onclick handlers will overwrite eachother.
checkboxWrapper.addEventListener('click', calculatePrice);
radioWrapper.addEventListener('click', calculatePrice);
	<div id="prices-checkboxes">
		<input type="checkbox" data-price="1514">$15.14</input>
		<input type="checkbox" data-price="2556">$25.56</input>
		<input type="checkbox" data-price="3574">$35.74</input>
		<input type="checkbox" data-price="4556">$45.56</input>
	<div id="prices-radios">
		<input type="radio" name="radio-price" data-price="0">$0.00</input>
		<input type="radio" name="radio-price" data-price="1478">$14.78</input>
		<input type="radio" name="radio-price" data-price="7481">$74.81</input>
		<input type="radio" name="radio-price" data-price="2545">$25.45</input>
		<input type="radio" name="radio-price" data-price="7812">$78.12</input>
	<div id="total">$0.00</div>

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