javascript - 如果 dataLabel 的宽度大于 highCharts 中条形的高度,则禁用 dataLabel

标签 javascript jquery highcharts

我已经使用 HighCharts 创建了一个图表,如果数据标签的宽度大于其条形的高度(条形无法容纳数据标签),我想禁用任何数据标签。我设置了特定点的 dataLabel 属性“enabled : false”,但效果没有反射(reflect)在图表中。 Here is the image of properties where 'enabled' is false for one of the points

Here is the image of chart where points with y :- 10700 , 20300 and 20000 should have been disabled



<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="container" style="min-width: 100px; max-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>

<script language="javascript">
var pointSelected = {};
var pointHovered = {};

 var chartObject = {
    chart: {
        type: 'bar',

        events : {

                    render : function(){

                                var ch = this;
                                var series = this.series;



                                                 var barHeight = point.graphic.element.height.animVal.value;
                                                 var dataLabelWidth = point.dataLabel.width;
                                                 var plotBoxWidth = ch.plotBox.width;
                                                  if(barHeight + dataLabelWidth < plotBoxWidth)  {

                                                      //  console.log(barHeight + dataLabelWidth);
                                                       // console.log("point will lie inside");


                                                  if(dataLabelWidth > barHeight){

                                                       //USING JQUERY IT CAN BE DONE BUT I WANT TO AVOID JQUERY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE $(point.dataLabel.element).fadeOut("fast");
                                                             point.dataLabel.alignOptions.enabled = false; //THIS IS WHERE I'M DISABLING POINT
                                                               // point.update({dataLabels : {enabled : false}});
                                                        //ch.options.plotOptions.series.dataLabels.enabled = false;

                                                if(barHeight + dataLabelWidth > plotBoxWidth){

                                                    //   console.log(barHeight + dataLabelWidth);
                                                        var diff = barHeight + dataLabelWidth - plotBoxWidth;
                                                      //  console.log(diff);
                                                       //  var x = point.dataLabel.translateX;
                                                       // var y = point.dataLabel.translateY;
                                                     //   console.log(x);
                                                     //   console.log(point);
                                                    //// diff +=15;
                                                         var diff2 = barHeight - dataLabelWidth;
                                                        // console.log("diff2" + diff2);
                                                        point.dataLabel.translate(  diff2 , point.dataLabel.alignAttr.y );
                                                     //    console.log(   point.dataLabel.text);
                                                        // point.dataLabel.text.styles.fill = "black";
                                                       var elem =   $(point.dataLabel.element).children();
                                                       $(elem).eq(0).css("fill" , "black");
                                                       // console.log(elem);
                                                         // $(textElem).attr("style" , "fill : black");
                                                         // console.log(textElem);
                                                      //   $(point.dataLabel.element.innerHTML).eq(0).children().eq(0).text();
                                                          //  console.log("point will lie outside");
                                             //     }




    title: {
        text: 'Historic World Population by Region'
    subtitle: {
        text: 'Source: <a href=""></a>'
    xAxis: {
        categories: ['Africa', 'America', 'Asia', 'Europe', 'Oceania'],
        title: {
            text: null
    yAxis: {
        min: 0,
        title: {
            text: 'Population (millions)',
            align: 'high'
    tooltip: {
       formatter : function(){
           return '<b>' + '<br/>' +this.x + '<br/>' + this.y+ '000000</b>'
    plotOptions: {
              series : {

                    allowPointSelect : true,
                    dataLabels: {
                                    enabled : true,
                                    color : "blue",
                                    crop : true,
                                    overflow:  "none"


                    events : {
                                select :function() {

                                        //get the selected object
                                        pointSelected.categories = this.category;
                                        pointSelected.y = this.y;
                                mouseOver : function(){

                                        //get the hovered object
                                        pointHovered.categories = this.category;
                                          pointHovered.y = this.y;


                                mouseOut : function(){

                                        //event handler when mouse moves out






    legend: {
        align: 'right',
        verticalAlign: 'top',
        layout: 'vertical',
        x: -150,
        y: 100,
    credits: {
        enabled: false
    series: [{
        name: 'Year 1800',
        data: [10700, 45000, 45000, 20300, 20000],
        zones : [{value : 100  , color : 'orange'} , {value : 500  , color : 'black'} , { color : 'blue'}]

var barChart = new Highcharts.chart('container', chartObject); 

//function on mouseOver
function changeOpacityOnHover(pointHovered){

    //get the current chart object
    var chart = $("#container").highcharts();
    //get the points and check each point whether it is the hovered one    

                    //if hovered one then get its graphic element(rect) and change its opacity to 1
                   if(datum.category == pointHovered.categories && datum.y == pointHovered.y ){

//                            console.log(datum)   ; 

  //                          console.log(datum.graphic.element);

                            var tag = datum.graphic.element;
                            var x = $(tag).attr("x");
//                            console.log(x);
                            $(tag).css("opacity" , "1");



function changeOpacityOnOut(pointHovered){

    //get the current chart object
     var chart = $("#container").highcharts();

     //get the points and check each point whether it is the hovered one from which mouse is over   
                    //get its graphic element(rect) 
                   if(datum.category == pointHovered.categories && datum.y == pointHovered.y ){

                         //   console.log(datum)   ; 

                           // console.log(datum.graphic.element);

                            var tag = datum.graphic.element;
                            var x = $(tag).attr("x");
                           // console.log(x);
                            //if the current point(hovered) is selected one OR no point is yet selected , opacity will be 1
                            if((pointHovered.categories == pointSelected.categories && pointHovered.y== pointSelected.y) || Object.keys(pointSelected).length == 0 )

                                    $(tag).css("opacity" , "1");
                            //else change opacity to 0.1

                                    $(tag).css("opacity" , "0.1");




// if point is selected
function changeOpacity(pointSelected){

    //get the current chart object
    var chart = $("#container").highcharts();
    //get the selected point by comparing each point to pointSelected

                    // if current point is selected point then change opacity to 1 and its color to the color of its rect tag fill attribute
                   if(datum.category == pointSelected.categories && datum.y == pointSelected.y){

                           console.log(datum)   ; 

                           // console.log(datum.graphic.element);

                            var tag = datum.graphic.element;
                            //var xVal =   datum.graphic.element.x.animVal.value;
                            //var yVal =   datum.graphic.element.y.animVal.value
                            var x = $(tag).attr("x");
                          // var x2 = xVal -1;
                           // console.log(datum.dataLabel.translate(xVal , yVal - 1));
                      // console.log(x2);
                            $(tag).css("opacity" , "1");
                            var color = $(tag).attr("fill");
                            $(tag).css("fill" , color);
                           // console.log(color + "when clicked");

                   //else let its opacity be 0.1

                        var tag = datum.graphic.element;
                        $(tag).css("opacity" , "0.1");








我已经使用 jQuery 解决了这个问题,但如果它可以简单地通过设置属性来完成,那就太好了。另外,为什么设置了属性却没有体现出效果?



它应该与您的配置配合使用,这就是 dataLabels 的配置方式:

plotOptions: {
    bar: {
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: true,
      crop: true,
      overflow: 'none',
      // inside: true // by default it's outside the bar


关于javascript - 如果 dataLabel 的宽度大于 highCharts 中条形的高度,则禁用 dataLabel,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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