javascript - 单击按钮 Javascript 后仅显示图像

标签 javascript jquery html image


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><%= title %></title>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
<h1>Want to see a picture?</h1>

<h2>Picture Display</h2>
</p><p>Some Text Here Some Text Here Some Text Here Some Text Here</p>
<button onclick="loadList()">Click Here!</button>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
    var imlocation = "images/";
    function ImageArray (n) {
        this.length = n;
        for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) {
            this[i] = ' '
    image = new ImageArray(90);
    image[0] = 'CPR1.jpg';
    image[1] = 'CPR2.jpg';
    image[2] = 'CPR3.jpg';

    var currentdate = new Date();
    var imagenumber = currentdate.getDay();

    function loadList() {
        document.write('<img src="' + imlocation + image[imagenumber] + 
        style.display = "none";



document.write主要用于测试:如果在 HTML 文档完全加载后使用,它将删除所有现有的 HTML


var imlocation = "images/";

function ImageArray(n) {
  this.length = n;
  for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    this[i] = ' '
image = new ImageArray(90);
image[0] = 'CPR1.jpg';
image[1] = 'CPR2.jpg';
image[2] = 'CPR3.jpg';

var currentdate = new Date();
var imagenumber = currentdate.getDay();

function loadList() {
  document.getElementById('insertPicture').innerHTML=('<img src="' + imlocation + image[imagenumber] +

<h1>Want to see a picture?</h1>

<h2 id='insertPicture'>Picture Display</h2>

<p>Some Text Here Some Text Here Some Text Here Some Text Here</p>
<button onclick="loadList()">Click Here!</button>

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